Chapter 12: Distorted Physique

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A/N: there do be kinda a lot of time skips doe. Also sorry to all my zeke stans, this is a levi chapter

Word Count: 805

Levi was jolted awake by an unknown fear that lurked in the back of his mind. Until it all came flooding back.

The memories came back to him. Their bones were broken. Limbs were mutilated. Bodies were disfigured.

Of all the times, why did they decide to flash through his mind now?

After Zeke killed your subordinates and escaped, you thought Levi was dead for sure, until you were reunited with your old comrades.

You saw Hange again, who was dragging Levi's injured body on a makeshift sled.

You had never felt such relief and elation in your life than you did at that moment. You lost track of time when you embraced him. You never wanted to let him go again.

The sky was pitch black, the vacant ceiling gave you little comfort. Your thoughts raced, preventing you from getting any rest while everyone else was already fast asleep.

You eventually felt sleepy, your eyelids lowering slowly. And just when you were about to doze off, you suddenly saw Levi jump up out of the corner of your eye, causing you to quickly sit up, too.

"What the matter, Levi?" You whispered to him, trying to be considerate of the sleeping people around you.

"It's nothing… I just had another… nightmare." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"It was about—"

"—Yeah. Yeah, it was."

"Do you need me to stay up with you?"

"You don't have to-"

"Yeah, I know but I wanna," You said, your voice overlapping his, "And I can't get any sleep anyway."

"Fine. But not for too long, we need to get back to sleep soon."

"You got it."

"You know what day it is?"

"Uh, Wednesday?" Levi said with a raised eyebrow, curious as to where this was going.

"That, too. But it's also our 6th wedding anniversary."

"Oh yeah, back when you proposed to me while we were outside the walls because I saved you from a Titan."

"Yeah," you laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of your neck, "I was a bit of a rash person back then."

"You still are."

"But you gotta admit, it was pretty cool! Proposing to someone at such a memorable place is such a great idea!"

"Whatever you say, my love." Levi said, the corners of his lips slightly turned upward as he looked away.

You smiled at him, your gaze lingering on him for longer than you expected before you sighed.

"Okay… I think it's about time we go back to sleep. You're okay with that, right?"


"Okay," you whispered slightly as you smiled at him again, "Goodnight, Levi."


You gave Levi a small peck on the lips before the both of you laid back down to try and get some rest.

At least he doesn't have to worry about losing you anymore.

"Hey, wake up."

You opened your eyes slightly but immediately regretted it as the sun was too bright for you. You slowly lifted your head and looked up to see Hange standing above you.

"Come on, we gotta get moving." They said.

"How is it already morning?" you grumbled, "I hardly got any sleep."

You sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes.

"Well?! Until when are you gonna sleep, Reiner?! All of your wounds should have healed already!"

You looked to where the yelling was coming from and saw Jean had grabbed Reiner by the collar, drawing back his fist, and threatening to punch him.

Jean's threats towards Reiner reminded you of the night before.

Reiner admitted to killing Marco and wouldn't keep his mouth shut about how sorry he was. Jean got tired of his mindless apologies and, to be frank, you were, too.

Jean punched Reiner over and over again. He also ended up accidentally kicking Gabi in the process.

It wasn't a very pleasant night for any of you.

You waited a while before you were fully awake so you could gather your belongings and get a move on. Once you were ready, you all got onto the back of a horse drawn wagon.

"Gabi," Jean said, "I'm sorry I kicked you. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay, it's fine." Gabi responded.

"Is that so?" Jean then turned to Reiner with a stern glare, "Reiner, I will not apologize to you."

"Yeah. That's okay." Reiner said, sounding ashamed.

"I… cannot forgive you." Jean's serious expression transformed into a saddened one.

"I know…"

"What about me?" Annie asked.

Suddenly you heard thuds coming towards you. You all collectively looked the front of the wagon, where the sound was coming from.

It was the Cart Titan, who had returned from a journey. Pieck emerged from its nape, steam undulatingly rising out along with her. She looked to you before uttering terrible news.

"The harbor. It was occupied by the Yeager Faction."

END - 3/27/21, 3/28/21, 3/29/21, 3/30/21

A/N: this is completely random but I always imagined heather in conan gray's song to be pieck. Idk why i don't hate her, she didn't do anything to me I've just always imagined heather to be pieck.

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