Chapter 3: Gabi Braun

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Word Count: 442

"You know what else is standing tall-"

"Mr. Yeager, may you please refrain from finishing that sentence, this is no time to joke!"

"Yes, Mx."


A soldier came barging through the door, giving you, Levi and Hange the status of the soldiers.

The airship was ready to take off. Soldiers were currently outside making sure that no one tried to foil your plans.

"Squad Lima isn't back yet." The soldier claimed, out of breath.

"So far, so good...," you pondered, your chin in-between your forefinger and thumb, "Squad Lima just needs to come back safely and we'll be set."

The soldier left, closing the door behind him. You sat down soon afterwards next to Levi. Your leg bouncing as you put your head in your hands.

You immediately jumped up when you heard a gunshot.

"What the hell?" Levi asked.

"I'll go check it out." You said as you stood up walking to the door.

You turned the knob, opening the door.

You couldn't believe the sight before you.

How could you have let this happen?

Could there have been a different path to prevent this?

There on the floor laid Sasha's bleeding body while two kids — a boy and a girl — stood behind her with their hands bound.

"What happened here?!" You asked sternly. Anger was laced in your voice as tears pricked at your eyes.

"These two kids snuck onto the airship somehow and shot Sasha." Answered a soldier that was holding one of the kids.

You turned to the kids, fury radiating off of you in waves. You felt nothing but anger as you stomped your way over to them.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?!" You yelled at them.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?! You just killed millions of soldiers and civilians!" The girl yelled back at you.

"What we did was justified! We had to fight back or else we would've been killed!"

"Well, it would've been better if you just died, you devil! You are nothing like us Eldians on the continent! You have committed sins far worse than anything imaginable, all of you deserve to burn in Hell!"

You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to cool yourself down.

"Take them to the other room." You said calmly.

The boy remained silent while the little girl kept screaming about devils and sins as the soldiers took them to the room that was occupied by Levi and everyone else.

Once they were gone, you sat next to Sasha as you said your final goodbyes.


That was the last thing she said before she took her final breath.

END - 12/23/20, 12/24/20

A/N: lmk if I've used the word Mx correctly cuz I was kinda unsure with the information google was giving me

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