- Chapter 14 -

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Keith's POV

It's been a few hours since Pico went outside as I sat on the couch watching TV. Cherry sat with me as she looked at me worriedly and sad. "Hey.. I know that was harsh of me saying that but... ever since I knew you, you said it yourself you'll stop smoking and getting high, remember what happened last time when you smoked and it was in a back alley" she asked "I got in a fight and got stabbed in the stomach" I answered "You nearly died... you're dangerous when you smoke and you can't control your feelings when it happens, you cussed a kid once because they stepped on my purse, got sued afterwards" "I know... but it's been a stressful week and... I just egh" "It's habit you have get out of, besides, Skid and Pump are here and they don't want to see you smoke" "I know..." I sighed. I've had a smoke problem in the past. Everything that she explained was in fact true, I was just tired that day and needed a break from everything. "If you're that stressed you know masturbating is a solution" she mentioned "N-No what the hell?" I said embarrassed "I'm just kidding with you, but you have Pico now, he's always there for you like how you're always there for him" she mentioned "Yea I know... but being an asshole is also stressful" "Don't be an asshole, I know you two still somehow hate each other's guts, but try dimming it down, you two have each other ever since you guys met and it's cute" she mentioned "It's not cute..." "Then what is it hm?" "I don't know really...".

A few hours later the door opens as Pico comes back in without his shirt sweating like hell. Cherry left leaving me alone on purpose as Pico leaned down on the couch breathing heavy. "Hey Pico" I said "Kids are tiring" he mentioned "They are kids, they have a lot of energy, but not this much energy, how hot was it out there" "About 80 degrees... I had to run from some girls that had more energy than Skid and Pump combined like Jesus" he said traumatized. I giggled understanding how he was probably chased across the street from here. That muscular body, his personality, I loved every inch of him as he went up from behind wrapped around me. "So, how's it going right now" he asked "I'm fine.. just bored" I said messing with his biceps "I'm jacked aren't I" "Shut up Pico" "Okay okay I'm sorry" he said hopping on the couch crawling towards me "What are you doing now" I wondered "Can I not give my hubby a massage before I took a shower" he said on top of me. I was red and hot as he gave off that stare I loved about him so much, and it was the fact that he nailed it too. "Hehe, by massage you mean.." "Don't worry Keith, I'm not gonna hurt you, you're kinda stressed huh" he mentioned "Well... I mean- MMM" I stopped as he wrapped around my hips "You'd think they let us do it on the couch, or would they even care" he said. I was a tomato at this point, I knew what he was about to do as he looked at me seductively. I felt like passing out as he went up my shirt and caressed my chest, once again feeling for boobs. He hit some sensitive parts of my body as I didn't moan since he wasn't touching my member, and now he's touching my member. I pass out reluctantly from exhaustion as I could feel him stopping, if it isn't obvious a dick is always a dick even if you date it.

I woke up in the bed as I felt my ass hurting. Well damn I was just fucked in my sleep, and he went at it too as I sat up. "Ow Jesus what just happened" I said to myself "Hi cumdumpster" he said with pride "Fuck you for having sex in my sleep" "You passed out, like completely unconscious, you'd think I wouldn't do it" "Asshole, I did not give you consent to fuck me" "Do you ever?" he said as I sat in silence "What I thought, also Mom said there's leftovers in the fridge if you want it" "I'm not hungry" "I will deliberately force feed you, remember when you didn't eat at all?" he mentioned. Once again he was right, I'm getting my ass handed to me today about myself and it's sad. I took a deep breath in and crunched on the bed as Pico approached me. "Why are you so stressed, something wrong" he wondered "Nothings wrong... I'm fine" I responded "Them what's with the faded cuts on your arm". I froze, when did he see, how did he... "What cuts" "Don't play the dumbass, I took a good look at your arms and there were scars all over the place, and then I found your knife in the cabinet sink" "That was like way before, back when I didn't even know you" "That doesn't change the fact that that's what you did... to yourself" "What do you know, it's not your business" "Just because doesn't mean I'm not NOT gonna be worried about you, and then connecting it with your smoking, is it gonna happen again?" "WHY DOES IT MATTER" "CAUSE I'M DOING THE SAME THING" he said pulling up his arms. Cuts were shown to be visible as it looked it happened a few days ago. "You... why?" I uttered "BECAUSE I WAS AFRAID, AFRAID I'D WORRIED YOU" he shouted in grief "Every day they come by and they tell me things I don't want to know, every single day, and I cut myself to muffle out their screams, whatever happen to me.. with you... I did not want it to happen again, I didn't want to go crazy again, I DIDN'T WANT TO MAKE YOU WORRY ABOUT ME AGAIN, I GET UNCOMFORTABLE JUST THINKING ABOUT IT EVERY DAY, and it bothers the fuck out of me" "Oh...". That was the only word I could say. He had reasons to cut himself while I was just stressed beyond my body could handle. But he's like me all the same, he's not happy making other people happy, yet he does it anyway. "I..." "I'm sorry I yelled... baggage I kept in for so long and I hate it.." he uttered pulling back down his sleeves "No.. it makes sense, you were always the protective type when it came to it, it's so weird how you're so caring and to deal with all of that at the same time" "Isn't that what you do every day?" he mentioned "I guess...?". He came up to me and hugged me out of complete generosity. Still to this very day I still think about what happened during probation. It bothers me, and bothers him too as I can't help the tears running down my face. "Hey... I can feel the water coming from your eyes you know" he said "Oh shit... sorry" I responded "Don't be, let it all out on me it's fine" "But I'm done crying... I can't stand crying anymore... I hate crying" "Just cry Keith, one last time if you need to" he said as I let my tears flow hugging him.

After an hour of that I started getting tired as Keith climbed up on the bed laying me down. "You okay now?" he asked "I think so... I'm tired" I responded "Let's go to sleep then" he said laying down with me "You know, you're cute when you cry" "Wow what a compliment" I responded "Hehe alright alright... how long have you been stressed like this" he asked "That's a weird question" "Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable" "No I mean, like how you asked hehe, for about a few weeks, never really much for breaks" "And now you're dealing with it?" he assumed as I nodded to him. One thing I realized about the two of us, we're both mentally depressed. Both of us have had some down time on each other's smile, except Pico takes the reward for ultimately traumatic experience. School shooting, killing people, murderous people he dealt with, and somehow he's still alive with me on the bed looking at me with those protective bull dog eyes, if that makes any sense. He brushed my cheek with his hand as he took off my hat and let it lay on the bed looking at my hair. "What, you gonna fuck my hair next" "I'm just feeling it, you have luscious hair for a boy you know" he mentioned "Thanks?" I responded "It also makes me wonder how I met such a person" he said mentioning it "How did you meet me again?" "I forgot, all I do remember is you had the same sparkly eyes the week I met you, blue glistened hair, Atlantic blue eyes, red cheeks" he said squishing my cheeks. That was the first time he started detailing my looks and in poetic form, hot shit. "Wow... thanks" I blushed "That's what I wanted to see, that hot side I always liked about you" he kissing me "Mhm Pico..." "I'm guessing you know I love you right?" he asked of me "Yea, you told me that like a thousand times" "Can I say it again, I can show you how much this time" "You only did it once so sure" I responded kissing him. We had our little session together as Pico started pulling his pants down. "Hey you guys!!" "AGH" "SHIT" me and Pico yelped as Pico puts back on his pants and I sat up quickly. "Hey kids" I welcomed "What were you doing" Skid asked "I think they were doing the nasty in here"  "Kids... please get out" Pico demanded "Okay you guys, we'll be downstairs if you need us bye" Skid said going back downstairs with Pump.

I sighed in relief as Pico wrapped around me biting my neck. "Pico.." I yelped "Mmm does it tickle" he asked "Yes it does, I don't feel like smiling right now" "Welp you don't have a choice" he said biting more of my neck. I don't know what kind of form of tickling this is but it worked as it made me giggle a little. "Stop please..." I pleaded "You already pressed the button, it's until-you-smile time" he said tickling me. I laughed as I started to tickle back. We were both having fun as we laid back on the bed from exhaustion and because we were tired. "Hey, you're smiling now" he said looking into my eyes again "Sweet dreams Pico" "Goodnight Boyfriend" he said falling asleep with me.

"There's blood on my hands" | Pico x Keith/Boyfriend | Fnf fanfic storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt