- Chapter 9 -

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Pico's POV

I woke up in the same wrapping I was forced in coming here. Vivid memories appeared in my head as I remembered what happened when I tried to fake my framing. "I love you... so much" I said kissing Keith on the head after I punched him. By the time I did I got from the bed and put on my clothes and saw him one last time. I looked at my hand at it was red and covered in his blood. I couldn't stand hurting him the way I did just now as I ran into the living room seeing Senpai on the TV. "Senpai?" I called for him "What happened, I heard noises what happened" he demanded "Take care of Keith for me" I said as I ran out the door "What do you mean, PICO!!" "Hey Pico.. it's Keith..". I snapped back into my senses as I heard voicemail from the other microphones. The message played as my tears fell down my face. He was safe, but I hurt him in the process. Why did I hurt him, what is wrong with me, I thought loved him.. but I lost control, of myself I touched him in worst possible. I stayed there in the exact same spot and fell asleep falling on my side.

I woke up again a few hours later as I heard speakers chime in telling me to wake up. "Okay wake on up Pico, it's day 2 of being here" the speakers said "I know... what happened to the other person" I asked "He died a horrible death somehow, we thought it was you so we're gonna move you to higher containment" "Oh okay" I said getting up "By higher containment I mean put more guards behind this door, sorry we can't risk it happening again" "Oh.." I uttered sitting back down. The speakers started to talk to me as I answered all their questions. It was about a rough 30 minutes of me talking to them as few guys came in to give me lunch. "Time to eat punk" he said getting down to release me for a bit. As he did he aimed his hun at me as I did no harm eating my lunch. It wasn't the life I wanted but if it meant staying clear from Keith then that's fine by me. I hurt enough people for one day as my mind became a bit fuzzy. I started to twitch as my head started to hurt. "Stop what you're doing, eat your lunch so I can get out of here" the guy demanded. The twitching intensified as I stabbed my leg yelping in pain. It stopped, as my mind was clear again. I managed to finish my lunch as I gave the tray back to the guard. Guys came to patch my leg up and chain me up again. More questions came in as the thread of my hair came down over my face. "So you've been having these problems ever since? And you didn't get help?" the person said behind the mic "No... I was too dangerous to get help, I continued to become more dangerous each down, to the point where I start hurting my friends.." I responded "Well that's why we're here, to help you, there is still a way to get you out of this cell you just need to listen to me" "I need to stay here, I'm done hurting my friends and I'm done being a killer" I said turning my body to the wall. It was thin as my heart felt weak. My body trembled in this white clothed coffin I did to myself as time grew farther and farther. It was too fuzzy to handle as I felt like ending my life here and now. "Well, thank you for answering some of these questions, I'll come back tomorrow and talk to you more okay?" the person about to leave "Okay.." I responded faintly.

I was edging at this point. My head screaming voices ear to ear as I was restless. I then saw someone from in front of me as it was Keith bending down to look at me. I jumped in his direction as there was nothing there. I put my face to the floor as I began to cry under these problems going on in my head. I screamed in my head, "I never asked to be alive" "I never asked to have these problems" as I banged my head on the floor trying to get rid of everything that went in my head. I just wanted to die, I banged my head furious and aggressively as my vision became a blur completely. I wanted to forget, I wanted another chance, I wanted a happy ending, but life was unfair right? Life has something given to you and now you have for life right? Fuck the school, fuck the friends I thought I knew, fuck my life, AND FUCK THE PEOPLE IN IT.


Keith's POV

It was morning as I got up first to get ready and get in the limo. Cherry was already ready at the door as I found my hat and went out the house. By the time I got in the limo the guy started driving as we drove to the asylum which was down a few streets. I prayed he was okay as Cherry touched my arm. "Ready Keith?" she said "Yea.. I want to see him again, how long are we until we get there" I asked "About 30 minutes, it's really far" they responded "Okay..." I said calling him. I know it didn't do much of anything but I felt like hearing his voice in the voicemail. When it went to voicemail I heard the beep and spoke into the phone. "Hey Pico, I'm coming over to see you okay? Just hang on for me" I said hanging up the phone.

A few minutes later we arrived at the asylum as it was the afternoon now. I got out the car as Cherry came with. We both tried to open the gate as the guard came up to us. "What are you kids doing here" the guard said "Can we see Pico, we're just here to visit him" I responded "Sorry, we don't allow visitors beyond this point, unless you have an appointment then I can't let you in" "I was in probation with him, please I just want to see him" "Sorry it's not in my power- huh?". There was speaking coming from his radio as he ran in as if he was in a rush. I couldn't wait any longer as I climbed over the fence. "Keith what are you doing?!" Cherry called out to me "I'm going in" I responded "Be careful Keith..." "I will" I said running to the building. When I went in I managed to hide in a few spots in the asylum as I went passed the guards there. Everyone was rushing all over the place as I got up and walked again. "Pico? Pico where are you.. Pico?". I went to each room throughout the hall as there was a window of Pico laying on the floor. No one was around the cell as I went up to the window. "Hey Pi-".

I stopped, I saw blood coming from his head as I quickly tried to open the door. I saw a key on the desk as I opened the door that way running in. I slid to him shaking him he was twitching uncontrollably. "Pico wake up, Pico come on please stay with me". I picked up his head and set him on my lap as he continued to gasp and twitch. I saw the blood come from his head as it got on my pants and shirt. "Pico please.. I'm here... you don't need to shake". I saw him open his eyes as he looked in my direction with his eyes. He was wrapped in those sleeves and chains as I started to cry seeing him like this. "Oh god... why did you do this to yourself... you didn't need to go this far" I said attempting to hold back my tears "Keith.... it hurts... Keith..." Pico uttered in pain "I know... I'm sorry I never got to help you sooner... but we're gonna make it out this... just stay with me" "Everything... is getting blurry... it hurts... my head.. hurts... I can't live with the pain anymore... I can't bare it anymore... please do something about the pain" "We're gonna get you help, I know you're still trapped here but... Pico?". His face started to look pale as his gasping slowed down. He was starting to get silent as I shook him trying to wake him back up. "Pico stay with me, come on Pico don't do this" I called out to him "HEY FREEZE" the guard demanded aiming his gun at me "Do... as the guard says... I wont hurt you again... say hello to Cherry for me..." he said still gasping "No no no Pico... we can say hi to her together.. I love you too much to let you go... don't you die on me" "Alright that's it" the guard said pulling me away. I resisted his hands trying to stay with him a bit more as Pico tried to ease the situation. "Please do as the guard says... don't get hurt... please.." he said as I listened to him letting him go. Another guard shows up as the one pins me to the wall. He picked him unlocking his leash as he was taken to the paramedics. I was however cuffed and dragged out the room as we went down the hall.

By the time I reached the gate I was I cuffed and thrown out as Cherry tried to pick me up. "You kids stay out of this place, it doesn't need your nose" the guard stated "Is Pico gonna be okay?" I worried "We don't know yet, but right now you stay out of these walls" "When are we gonna see him again" Cherry asked "That's confidential business, kids like you are not to know that information" the guard stated waking away. When I got up my body felt cold and empty. I saw him with my own eyes and he was just breathing uncontrollably as covered my mouth. "I think it's time to go home Keith" Cherry implied "I... guess.." I responded looking at my bloodied up shirt and hands. I got back in the car as we drove back to the house. I leaned at the window as Cherry held my hand in the process. We both were quiet on the way home as I clenched my hands under the blood that came from Pico.

It's been a few hours later as I sat down in the couch feeling my hands. Cherry came by and saw me down as she tried to look at my face. "Keith? You doing okay?". I sat in silence. All I could think about it was the face Pico made, and it was all that I could think about. It felt like I fell into a deep despair as I endlessly saw Pico in my head, breathing heavy, dying... "Hey Keith? You're not feeling spooky huh" Skid implied "Maybe seeing the stars will make that face turn" Pump backed up "Why the hell is there blood on your shirt" Mom worried "It's not my blood..." I implied. The room was silent for a good few seconds as Skid and Pump didn't have their cheery smile anymore. "So who was it.." Daddy dearest nervously asked. I sat in silence still looking down at the ground as everyone started to leave me be. The only people that stood there beside me were, Skid, Pump and Cherry as they sat by me looking at my hands. "Is... Pico okay?" Skid said worriedly "I don't know... I'm scared to..." I uttered "The guards he'll be fine" "Then why is there so much blood on you, what happened.." Pump said eager to know what happened. I don't blame them for acting like this, Pico was like a dad to them almost as they were starting to get impatient. I still yet sit in silence as Pump and Skid left in silence as well having given up talking to me. Cherry looked at me one last time as she left as well, leaving me all alone on the couch.

"There's blood on my hands" | Pico x Keith/Boyfriend | Fnf fanfic storyWhere stories live. Discover now