Essay 17

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Essay 17: Embody The Philosophy During Pandemic

I embody philosophy during this hard time of pandemic by remembering what was once said by a Philosopher, Victoria Camps, "Forces us to think.", pandemic makes people stress and feel the anxiety, people are not able to go out easily, they are scared and frightened. Everyone is over thinking by what will happen to them the next days and weeks. We can not even have a get together outside or go to work properly, we always need to use PPE's (Personal Protective Equipment) in order for us to be safe from this pandemic.

However, as the philosopher Victoria Camps's perception, this pandemic forces us to think. Giving us time to think and rest, not to over-think and stress. Also, this pandemic shows us the importance of each time that passes throughout our lives. This shows that the nurses, doctors, fire-fighters, even a trashman who throws our rubbish too, and others that is trying harder to fight this pandemic is not just a worker, they are our front-liners and they deserve all the applause from us, deserves to be paid by their hard-work, time and effort. They can not have much time for their family rather, they are fighting for you, your family and the whole world.

Pandemic is not really easy but, it gives us time to realize and value our life more than ever. This crisis is a kind of experience in our life where in to value every little things in life. Be contented. Be happy of what you have and bond with your family and loved ones. Life is short, enjoy. Lastly, trust in Him, everything happens for a reason. We will get through this, we do not need to be stress, always feel and think that you are blessed.

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