Essay 8

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Essay 8: Background of Research or Introduction

When it comes to research, there is an introduction also called background of research. Now, what is it? Why do we need it when making a research? There are also difference between introduction and background. Let us know what are those.

Background of the study provides context of information discussed throughout the research paper. It may include both important and relevant studies. Also, this is particularly essential if the study either supports or refutes your thesis. We need to remember, the background should begin with the definition of topic and audience. It is really important that we know which topic we need to know. You can do it by searching and researching the relevant literature.

On the other hand, there are differences between background of research and introduction. In introduction, preliminary date about your topic while on the background of the research, in depth discussion of the topic. Lastly, in introduction, it ends with your research questions, aims and objectives. While on the background of research, there's no such mandatory format.

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