Essay 10

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Essay 10: Benefits and Beneficiaries Research

Research also have Benefits and Beneficiaries. Do you know what are those? If you are still unfamiliarized about it. Let's know and understand the aspect of significance as well as the benefits of a research study.

Benefits and beneficiaries of research, this area informs the reader on how the study will contribute to the well being of a person or a progress of the group or society in general. The challenge of this section of the Problem Statement is to situate the study as addressing a particular, important or even pressing problem - defining the problem shapes of the research study's significance. Also, when you mull over who/what will benefit on your study, focus on your problem which will guide you in identifying the specific contribution of your study.

Now, the significance of research. There are two types of it - Significance Theory and Significance of Policy and Practice. First, the significance of theory. It outlines the research study's contribution to fundamental knowledge. Lastly, the significance of policy and practice. It can be established by presenting data that shows how often the problem occurs and how costly it can be.

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