Essay 3

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Essay 3: Quantitative & Qualitative Research

What comes in your mind when you hear the word research? Investigations, facts, proving,  process, systematical? Do you know the quantitative and qualitative of research? If not, let me give you some of the knowledge that I've gathered about it.

One of the simplest way of describing research is that, it is a systematical investigation that gathers facts and informations with the process of inquiring. Now, let's know about the Qualitative and Quantitative of Research. Let's tackle first the Quantitative Research, it is a type of educational research where in the researchers relies only on the point of views of the participants. They asks broad and general questions and conduct the inquiry of subjective, kind of biased manner. On the other hand, the Qualitative Research is also an educational kind of research but unlike Quantitative, here, the researchers will decide what to study and their questions are more specific and narrow. They also conduct the inquiry in an unbiased, objective manner.

Apart from these informations, Quantitative and Qualitative Research also have similarities. There are actually alot of it, though seems like they only have differences. In similarities, they both aims to create a new knowledge by observing phenomena, and all the researchers concerned about universality of expressing ideas in general statement.

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