Essay 5

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Essay 5: Strengths, Weaknesses & Kinds of Qualitative Research

Do you know that there are strengths, weaknesses and kinds of a Qualitative Research? What are those? First, we need to know what is it. In a brief explanation, Qualitative Research is an educational kind of research and the researchers will decide what to study and their questions are more specific and narrow. They also conducts the inquiry in an unbiased, objective manner. It also involves collecting and analyzing of non-numerical data — texts, videos, audios — in order to understand opinions, concepts or experiences.

Let's tackle first about its strengths. Qualitative Research provides in depth information on individual cases, relay subjects' experiences and perspectives in unusual details, its capacity to give rich information about the respondents and enables data to be collected in natural setting. On the other hand, let's focus now on the weaknesses. Analysis of data takes longer than that in Quantitive Research, data gathering is often time consuming, interpretation of results is usually biased because conclusion are not generalize because the subjects are few and sometimes process unique characteristics compares to typical respondents.

Last but not the least, the kinds of Qualitative Research. The six types of if are the phenomenological model, the ethnographic model, grounded theory, case study, historical model and the narrative model.

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