"Dahlia, they're waiting for fo you," said Narcissa. "Are you crying? Do not let a single tear fall. I worked hard on that makeup!"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she laughed. "I'm ready." Narcissa walked Dahlia down the aisle. Leo smiled brightly at her. The man that was marrying them took out a book and began reading.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments and to cherish the words which shall unite Leonard McLane and Dahlia Petrova."

"Pst-" Leo interrupted. "I told you to use Leo! Leonard sounds too adult-ish."

The man cleared his throat and ignored Leo. "Marriage is the promise between two people who love-"

"Sir, could we just get to the marriage part," Dahlia cut in.

"Erm-okay, then. Do you have any vows?"

"We already said them to each other, so we'd really appreciate it if you got to where we can actually get married," said Leo.

"Um, yes." The man put down the book he was reading off of. "By the power vested in me by some sketchy drug dealer on the internet, I announce you husband and wife. You may now-" The man was interrupted by Dahlia and Leo kissing each other. "Kiss the bride," he muttered quietly. "I did not get paid enough for this." The two pulled away.

"You're supposed to throw the flowers in the air," Leo whispered to Dahlia. She threw the flowers in the air, and they ended up hitting Harry on the head. Harry stopped bickering with Draco to see what hit him.

"Sorry!" Harry took the bouquet and hit Draco on the head with it. "I hate to cut the after-party short, but me and Leo are going on our honeymoon."

The two walked off to Merlin knows where. Melody ran up to Harry shortly after her parents left. "That was a fast wedding," Harry remarked. "You look gorgeous," complimented Harry.

"Thank you," she beamed. "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Thank you, m'lady." He pecked her on the lips. He stepped closer to whisper in her ear, "I look good in a suit, but even better with it off." Melody laughed and playfully hit his chest.

Draco jokingly gagged behind the two. "I'm a victim," he said with a sour face.

Harry once again hit him on the head with the bouquet. Draco scowled before walking off with his mother.

"We should get going. I'll be back; I have to go get Daphne and Elijah," Melody said.

She went to where the two were and picked up on their conversations. The three headed back to where Harry was to see him chatting with some girl. Melody cleared her throat loudly to get their attention.

"Nice meeting you..." Harry paused at the girl's name.

"Maria Lestrange," she smiled. Her hand brushed against his as she started walking off before Harry called after her.

"Wait-do you go to Hogwarts? I'm sorry you just look familiar."

Melody and Elijah gave each other weird looks as to why Harry was so interested in her but turned their attention back to the scene before them.

"No. Sorry, have to go," she ushered.

Elijah, Daphne, and Melody began walking off, but Harry looked at the Maria girl strangely.

"Harry?" Daphne called. "You coming?"

"Yeah, sorry." He sped walked a little to catch up with the group.

"Hey, what's up with you?" Melody asked Harry. "You've been acting strange since the wedding."

"Nothing, probably just nerves since I have a big quidditch game tomorrow," he quickly made up.

"That's not it. Who was that girl?" She asked although he wasn't paying attention. "Harry?"

"I don't know, but I feel like I've seen her before," he answered. "Now I just have a bad gut feeling that something bad is coming. It's probably nothing."

"I don't think that's nothing," she said, giving him an assuring smile.

"When she touched my hand, I got like a glimpse of something-a vision."

Melody furrowed her eyebrows. "Vision?"

Harry refused to tell her what he actually saw because if he did, she'd jump to random conclusions. "It was nothing," he said, a little harsher than he meant.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she scoffed.

I promise Harry didn't have a sex vision about Maria😩
I'm working on Draco and Melody's friendship

Also, sorry if it seems like I'm rushing through fifth year, I just have so much planned for sixth😏

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