vi. Uncanny Resemblance

Start from the beginning

"She doesn't have a dimple though and I don't even know if we'd vibe or get along well" Dahyun stated firmly as she crossed her arms. Mina and Momo knew that Dahyun was already crushing, she was just trying to hide it so she doesn't get teased.

"Whatever you say" Momo played it out as if she was convinced. Mina caught on and played along with Momo.

Dahyun grinned. She was satisfied with herself that she convinced her friends she wasn't infatuated with the girl. She knew this was an obvious lie, she couldn't keep her eyes off the short blonde. She was exactly what she described her type to be.

Sana and Chaeyoung exited Sana's office and joined the three.

"So" Sana clapped her hands. "We'll start tomorrow"

There was an awkward silence that fell on them so Mina cleared the air by clearing her throat.

Four pair of eyes looked at her expectantly.

"I know we start tomorrow but how about I treat everyone to dinner tonight."

Dahyun and Sana's eyes lit up at the mention of free dinner.

Momo playfully rolled her eyes. "You're only bringing us to dinner because you won the bet" She muttered loud enough for only Mina to hear. Mina chuckled in response.

"What do you guys say?"

Sana and Dahyun were quick to say yes while Momo acted like she was reluctant to go and grumbled a yes.

"What about you, Chaeyoung-ah?" Sana faced the short girl.

Chaeyoung smiled, showihg her dimples. "If it's fine with you guys"

Dahyun felt like she was going to faint there and then. Mina and Momo just stared at each other like something clicked. Their mouths were open and formed into an "o". It was like they were communicating telepathically.

Sana and Chaeyoung looked at the two, confused at the sudden change of emotions.

"The sashimi bar just opened! We could go there!" Mina played it off, hoping that Momo would understand. She knew it was a stretch since the older woman would often times be clueless.

"Ah right! That's the perfect spot!"

Sana and Chaeyoung's ears perked up at the mention of sashimi. "That sounds good! I'll just change, you guys can wait for me at the car."

"I'll wait for you" Chaeyoung insisted to her bestfriend who had urged her to go with the other three.

Momo, Mina, and Dahyun went ahead to the car.

Once they got inside, Momo and Mina turned in their seats to face the younger girl.

"I swear I did not have anyone specific in mind"

Mina quirked an eyebrow which made Dahyun groan. "Unnie, I'm telling the truth. I don't even know her."

Momo had a smirk creep onto her lips which just made Dahyun even the more frustrated. "I swear I didn't know she was real until a few minutes ago!" She let out an exasperated sigh.

The unnies turned back in their seat as they pitied the girl who look like she was about to blow up any second if they teased her some more.

"We never said anything!" Momo put her hands up. Dahyun had just rolled her eyes as she scooted to the rightmost.

Sana and Chaeyoung exited the building and joined the three in the car.

Since Mina's car was a bit small, Dahyun, Sana, and Chaeyoung had to squeeze themselves in the back seat with Sana in the middle.

Sana cursed to herself. She could have made the two sit next to each other but Chaeyoung was too stubborn. She was still too shy to even sit next to Dahyun so she had Sana go in the car first.

The night rolled quick and before they knew it, it was already 7pm and time to go home.

Momo had ordered a take-out for Jeongyeon especially since she hadn't told the older woman they were gonna eat out. All the while they ate, Mina looked at Dahyun and Chaeyoung who had to sit next to each other. The two hit it off pretty quick especially since they happened to be the same age.

"You know, I'm glad Chaeyoung finally talked to someone. It's been quite a while since she ever talked to someone else aside from me"

Mina took her gaze off of the two and turned to face Sana who had been sitting on her right.

"Yeah, me too. They're hitting it off pretty well"

She was genuinely happy that Dahyun was so immersed and interested in Chaeyoung and whatever conversation they were having.

"What should I tell Jeongyeon?" Momo panicked as they drove on the way home.

The three of them had gone home since Sana and Chaeyoung insisted that they'd just commute than to hassle the three. Mina was reluctant at first but she agreed once she saw the worry in Momo's eyes.

"You know, you could always just seduce your way out. Mina-unnie and I will just wear ear muffs" To say that Dahyun is blunt at most times is an understatement. She would often just be true with her words even though some of the times it would be sexual.

Momo's cheeks were kissed pink while Mina just laughed.

"Y-yah Minari, don't tell me you agree with Dahyun"

"Don't worry." Mina smiled at her bestfriend. This comforted Momo, or so she thought. "Me and Dahyun will just turn the tv on to the highest volume so the neighbors can't hear."

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