"They, Vox and Valentino, are both very influential in hell. I despise the block head with a passion, and Mr. Valentino there is well-known for his exploitation of various sinners. I would like for you to do something about them, whether it be rehabilitation or murder! As long as they're gone, your task is complete!" He leaned towards your ear. "Alas, Valentino has also been quite tough on Angel. So you'd also be doing him a favor too."

"Yeah...yeah.." You mumbled. "But...What do I get in return?" Alastor backed away from your ear, tapping at his monocle. 

"How about I, in return for your service, kill your parents?" A shiver went down your spine at his tone. A reminder of your sin crept into your mind, making you wince. 

"I....I don't...know.."

"No matter, sweetheart! I'll let you go about your business! If you agree to my deal, come by my office anytime!" He flicked his wrist, letting all the light back into the room. He waved as you hesitantly left.

"What...What should I do..?"

"Oh my gosh! Hey, Y/N!!" 

Charlie and Niffty waved at you, smiling brightly while you had slumped shoulder. Of course, with their infectious, happy attitude it was hard to stay so depressed and unsure. With a reluctant sigh, you decided to think about what Alastor said... later.

"Hey Charlie! Hey Niffty!" 

"Why did you seem so depressed? Is everything okay?" Charlie questioned. "I'm sorry if you're kinda lonely...This hotel isn't doing very well...But it will, soon! So, don't worry!" You laughed, shaking your head. "No, no. Just tired, is all." Niffty, hearing this, dashed to the kitchen and came back with a steaming mug.

"Here!! Coffee!!" You jumped at her incredible speed, still unable to comprehend how she could be so fast. You, still, gratefully took the beverage and gave it a sip. (If you aren't a coffee lover, like me, pretend it's something else that gives you energy!)

"Thank you, Niffty. It's great!" She smiled happily and jumped. From a distance away, you could hear Husk groaning in irritation. You giggled.

"Anyways...Y/N! What were you doing?" 

"I.." You thought for a moment. "I was wondering what I should do. I'm new to hell, so I'm not sure what...I need to do to fit in here." Charlie nodded in understanding. "Well, we can help you! Right, Charlie!!" Niffty cheered as she grabbed your wrist. "We can go to the clothes store, accessories store, hair salon, and!-"

"Niffty...Please calm down." Charlie deadpanned. 

"I appreciate it, Niffty." You smiled. "But maybe we can stick to the basic stuff and go from there, okay?" She nodded quickly. 

Charlie went to retrieve Razzle and Dazzle, so you could all go out and get you some necessities. With the car all ready for the trip, everyone went to get inside. However, just as you all were getting ready to leave, the Radio Demon stopped you all.

"I humbly apologize for the intrusion." He smirked. "But, Charlie, may I speak with you? It'll only be just a moment."

"Um...'course, Al! Excuse me, everyone!" The two went back into the hotel, leaving you, Niffty, and Charlie's goats inside the limo. Whilst the princess of hell was away, Niffty chatted away about sewing and cleaning and cooking: And sometimes about a man you didn't know about. 

After some time, Charlie came back. She seemed happier than usual, and you had a feeling Alastor finally showed her the message from her father. This thought was only confirmed when she took a brief moment to look deep into your eyes. Alastor went to shut the limo door, when he turned to you again. 

"I will keep watch of the hotel. You have fun, now!" He snapped his fingers, and all of your clothes were replaced with ones that replicated the style of the 1900's. It was odd, to say the least, but still somewhat fashionable. You couldn't deny that he had good taste.

The car ride was lively, with Nifty and Charlie chatting away, and you adding in a few things here and there. It was nice to spend time with such a upbeat duo from time to time. You learned a bit more about the two, like Niffty's odd fascination with boys, or Charlie's love for pineapple on pizza....Let's just say, you guys got into an argument on the topic. 

Eventually, you reached the strip mall (No). The street was lined with different stores and vendors, much like the structure in the living world. Niffty and Charlie led you to a nearby phone store named "Appel", where you bought your first phone. The girls helped you set it up, and also added their numbers into your contact list. 

Then, you went shopping, picking out a variety of different options and colors to mix and match with back at the hotel. Charlie paid for the three of you, leaving you feeling both grateful and guilty. For the remainder of the time, the girls would sometimes go into a store and buy something for them or you, or you would stop the munch on a snack.

"Man, this was so fun!" Charlie exclaimed as she bit into her pink cotton candy. Niffty nodded in agreement, stuffing her face with some candy she bought at a stand. Meanwhile, you focused on your new phone, learning all the functions and whatnot. The girls paid no mind to your silence, instead talking about business at the hotel. Sometimes, you would listen in and maybe give advice, but for the most part you stayed out of it.

You reached the hotel around 9 PM. You hadn't realized how tired you were until you stepped into the hotel lobby. Husk greeted you lazily, resuming to wipe the front desk with a rag he always seems to have. Alastor and Angel Dust was nowhere to be seen, though due to how tired you were you didn't notice. You bid goodnight to the girls, Razzle, and Dazzle, then carried your new things to your room. 

Miraculously, you managed to put everything away except for a pair of pajamas. You decided to take a shower tomorrow, then went to change and get into bed. The covers protected you from the cold draft in the room, and lulled you to sleep. 

In the corner of the room, a dark silhouette stood.

{INCOMPLETE} You're My Favorite Drug [Angel Dust X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now