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Two days had passed since Percy was officially claimed by Poseidon. Things had changed drastically in that short amount of time. He was quickly moved out of the Hermes cabin and shipped off to Cabin Three, left alone as there were no other children of Poseidon.

Which I felt both envious and sad for. Sure bunking with my siblings was gross and chaotic, but it was better than being alone. It meant I had people to talk to. People to eat with. It meant that I wasn't alone. And that was what Percy was.

If being alone wasn't bad enough, everyone was avoiding him like the deadly plague. Which was almost understandable. Seeing as how no one wants to be associated with a child of the Big Three. Everyone knew of the misfortune and danger lingered around them. While everyone scooted their way from Percy. Grover, Annabeth and Luke stuck by his side. I wanted to join them, but it seemed like my siblings were everywhere.

Every time I attempted to talk to him or walked over in his direction, heck even breathing in his direction, I was ushered away by one of my siblings. Each time being told, 'Don't talk to the freak..Don't look at the freak..Don't breathe near the freak..Don't need him spreading his bad luck onto one of us..'  I thought it was stupid. Like even more stupid than when Stoll brothers superglued their hands in their hair by accident.

Percy didn't wake up one day choosing to be a kid of the Big Three. Nobody woke up one day and thought to themselves, 'You know what? I want to be a child of a powerful and dangerous God..Yeah, I want to be a Half-Blood!'  Percy didn't do that. None of us did that. So why were they acting like Percy did? He didn't even know that our world had existed until a few weeks ago.


Sitting on a fallen log, I watched as three Apollo kids attempted to beat Dionysus twins at a game of volleyball. The Game was a tough call. The Apollo kids were so close to winning, only needing to score one more point to win; but the Dionysus twins were dominating them. Blocking every hit with smiles, joking with them. It was both interesting and nerve racking to watch.

Feeling a cold breeze crush against me, I shiver and look up at the sky to find myself staring at darken clouds. It was a swirl of black and dark blue, making it look like ink had spilled over the once baby blue skies. The wind had picked up slightly and leaves were starting to blow around us. It was odd, we never had bad weather unless we wanted to. What was happening?

"What in Hades name is going on?" I whisper, as a small roll of thunder fills the once cheery air.

Feeling a presence behind me, I tense up as something places its hand on my shoulder and drops something into my lap. Reaching for my dagger, I stop myself and turn around to see no one there. Looking down at my lap, I found my Met's hat; a little dirty, but still perfectly fine. I thought I had lost it! Nobody in the cabin could find it. So I had just assumed the worst. But now, I'm guessing they had something to do with it.

MY GRAND PLAN || PERCY JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANSWhere stories live. Discover now