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I woke up with one of those shitty feelings, it's not like it suprised me, I mean I've been feeling weird all year. Uni sucks, same for everyone really but considering the events of last year, I really don't want to go back.

I dragged myself out of bed and rummaged the wardrobe for something to wear. I pulled out my black ripped skinny jeans and my american horror story jumper. It was 3 sizes too big but it was snug and I could slap people with my sleeves. I slid down the banister because if you are as lazy as me then you might as well.

I grabbed my bag and phone and slipped on my doc martens. I headed out the door, the crisp air hitting my face as soon as I stepped out.


I walked up to uni and headed straight to class. I dumped my bags 2nd row from the back just in case one of the 'popular' bitches decided to give me a public embarrassment again. I slumped down in my chair and grabbed out my books.

"Morning class, We have a new pupil joining us today!" Mr Blackburn announced.

Mr Blackburn scanned the room eagerly with his small grey beady eyes. "Ah Jade!" Fuck. I don't mix well with new people. Fuck that, I don't mix with anyone.

"Yes sir?" I replied.

"Will you be kind enough to let Dan sit by you?" He asked, he did a sweeping action with his hands and a tall boy appeared in the doorway. He had brown swoopy hair and gorgeous brown eyes that stared right at me. I swallowed a large lump in my throat.

"Um...y..yeah sure." I stuttered. What was happening to me! Was I seriously going starry eyed over the new boy. I pinched myself under the table as he sat down beside me.

"Hey so I gather you are Jade?" He smiled, his eyes still focused on mine, his voice was so sweet but sexy in a strange way but whatever it was I liked it.

"Uh..yeah I guess I am." I smirked in reply. I blushed really hard and turned my head down so he wouldn't see. What a fail jade. I looked back up and he was grinning ear to ear so it was pretty clear he noticed.

"Do you wanna grab lunch? It would give me a chance to meet people " He asked without hesitation.

"Are you asking me to lunch or asking me out to lunch?" I questioned him with a side smirk on my face.

"Whatever you want to call it." He winked. My heart melted then and there.

"Okay fine." I giggled at Dan whose arm and achingly close to mine.

"See you later then." He smiled sweetly and turned back to his work.

I took a deep gulp of air for I think he literally took my breath away. I smiled to myself and carried on with the work.


I was walking along to my locker to drop off my bags but my phone buzzed suddenly, it scared the crap out of me but I read a text.

Dan: Starbucks? X

I laughed to myself but shut up because I know people would think I was crazy. I unlocked my phone and replied to his text.

Me: Espresso, Ta. X

I locked my phone and carried on to the lockers. I stuffed my books in and a note fell out my French folder.

I opened it, it wasn't Dan's writing, Dan's was scribbly and blocked. This was neat and scripted. I unfolded it and it read;
'You ugly faggot, go slit your wrists already.'

I hastily scrunched it up and chucked it in the nearby bin. My phone buzzed again.

Dan: Ooh nice, I'll have to try some! X

I replied to him,

Me: Meet me at the park?

I locked my phone and headed to the park.

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