|Chapter Six : The Wandering Mouse|

Start from the beginning

I know Dante too well to know that he's not particularly the prim type who would let his door be as it is.

Back in the creed, we used to make a garbage board out of our doors.

And finally, I spot a very similar garbage scribbles of arrows, swords and daggers on the wooden surface.

Approaching the door, I raise my hand to knock at it when the door suddenly bursts open and a hand tugs my wrist.

The door shuts behind me as I go crash-landing against Dante's bare chest. His arms go around my waist at the same time.

I raise my head to look at his maroon eyes and he's grinning down at me, "Fancy seeing you here, Kitty Kat."

Rolling my eyes, I pull back from him and he lets me go with a laugh.

My hands cross over my chest on their own accord, my eyes narrowing at Dante's lingering eyes.

"You look exquisite in the raverian court night clothes." He muses appreciatively but when I still keep my eyes in slits, he raises his hands in mock-surrender.

"I wanted to tell you. . ." He trails off.

"And?" I press but he simply dodges it and goes flopping onto his bed laying on his chest letting me see those broad muscles on his back.

"I thought you wouldn't like it since you're the one who wanted to do this. Without any help." He raises his head emphasising on 'without' and turns to look at me, "But I'm not here to do what you are going to. I'm just the ally."

"To whom?"

"Victor. How do you think he always knows Valerian will be where and when so that you could strike?"

"Ofcourse, it's for Victor. That's why you were away all the time from the creed." I conclude bitterly.

"Missed me?" He asks with a smirk and I just pass him a blank stare.

Dante merely shakes his head at that before gesturing next to him on the bed, "I'm tired. But. . ." His mouth pulls into a wider smirk, "Wanna have some fun?"

"No. I'm all good." I say before turning to head out.

A whoosh of air and then a hand blocks my path, "Sorry, Kat."

"You're forgiven." I retort in a blank tone only for him to turn me around to face him.

"I really am sorry." Glancing at the flecks of crimson and black in his eyes and the sincerity within them, I find myself sighing.

"You know I'd never intentionally hide anything from you." His voice is soft and I find myself inching closer as he leans down.

Just as our lips are about to connect, there's a series of knock on the door. I fumble out of Dante's hold.

He gestures me to hide behind his closet and I do so without a question.

Dante then proceeds to open the door.

The voice that follows has me holding my breath and I could say it was the same with Dante although his face remains neutral as if everything in the world is merry.

"Dante." Valerian's unmistakably deep and husky voice greets, the tone having it's signature blankness.

"Your highness." Dante does a bow in acknowledgement, "Is there something you need?"

"I saw a mouse lugging around in the hallway. Thought I should let you know." The High King of Ancientriova says making me bite my lip in anticipation.

Why does it feel like he's talking about me?

With a look of confusion acted upon his face, Dante nods, "I see. Would you like me to tell Dulcamara to spell the floor again to keep them away?"

Valerian hums in reply.

And when I think he's going to depart, he speaks again.

"Does your room has mouses too?"

"I beg your pardon?" The ever gentlemanly Dante reprimands.

"Oh, nothing. See you at court tomorrow, Commander." With that, the raven king goes but not before one last time telling to check for mouses.

I stand with a deep frown etched on my face. What was that about?

Dante materialises in front of me the moment Valerian exits and he had shut the door behind him.

"You have to get back to your room asap." He says warning lacing his tone, "Valerian is hella intuitive, Kaitlyn. I don't know how but most of the times, he know everything. If you get caught, your life will be in line."

That, I'm aware of.

I don't bother to tell that to him, ofcourse, as I give him a single nod and get out of the room without another spoken word.

I'm a step away from my door when a voice stops me dead on my tracks.

"Miss Winchester." He says and without turning I know who it is.

Schooling my features, I turn to the raven king, "Milord?"

Valerian looks at me through long hooded lashes, his dark green eyes dragging down my flimsy robe with a deliberate slowness.

My cheeks suddenly heat up and I quickly pull the material around me tighter when I realize that a little of my cleavage is peeking through the long neckline of the silken material.

He raises a brow my way, "Have you been spotting mices too?"

My throat goes dry but I manage to give him a confused look, "I beg your pardon?"

A ghost of a smirk settles on the edge of his lips making him look like a true predator, "Mices. Maybe a mouse. She seems to linger around a lot on the floor today."

"I'm sorry but I haven't seen any mouse." I reply with a tight smile, "If you'd allow me, I'd like to depart to my room for the night."

"With all due respect then." He gestures at my door indicating I'm free to go.

Averting my eyes from the man's scrutinizing gaze under the dim-light, I do a quick bow, turn around and run back to my room acting as subtle as possible.

Once the door is shut securely behind me and I'm all alone in the confines of my chambers, I place a hand to my hammering heart.

Whenever I'm around him, just why do I feel so. . .


What do you think about the mouse in the castle?😂

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What do you think about the mouse in the castle?😂

What are your views on Dante?👀

Btw, face claims for Julian and Avyanna is updated on the 'Face Claims' chapter. I'll try to find a face claim for Dante's character too:)

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