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"HeeGyeong...  I'm asking this because thanks to recent events I've genuinely lost the ability to tell.  Are you joking me?"

Things had been pretty quiet since SeoJun's mother left.  The day after, Tae, JungKook and the rest of the boys had officially set off to finish their tour and SeoJun and I had kept to our usual routine of practice, banter, and dramas with Ramen.  Though, we'd really been keeping ourselves to ourselves as far as the public eye went.

It had been almost a week since their departure, and clearly HeeGyeong felt we had been away from the spotlight too long because she came over this morning determined to thrust us back into it.

"I told you both to plan a public date yourselves, but you either forgot to do it or you didn't want to – either way," She paused.  "this is the consequence."

"HeeGyeong." SeoJun seethed – eyes glossing over with subdued rage.  "I'm Han SeoJun.  You can't seriously be asking me to frolic around on a beach all day.  JangMi," He said, turning to look at me.  "back me up here?"

Usually, I would have objected to any public sightings with the singer but HeeGyeong had been rather clever in what she had organised, her back up was adding something she knew I would absolutely not refuse – even if SeoJun did.

"But SeoJun..." I sighed, my voice breathy and persuasive.  "It's for Vogue."

I had only ever been on a cover of Vogue before once.  And it was with like 6 other people for a drama which I was on.  It had been my dream to do a solo cover – and this double effort with SeoJun might have been the closest I would get. 

"So?" He asked, indifferently.  "Is that meant to mean something?"

"Of course, it is!" I exclaimed.  "How could it not?  It's Vogue..."

"As you keep telling me..." He muttered. 

"HeeGyeong I'll do a photoshoot but I don't want to go to the beach –"

"- Then you should have specified what you wanted to do for your date when I told you to do it!"  HeeGyeong interrupted. 

Anyone would have thought she was our mother the way she spoke to SeoJun and I...

"Please, HeeGyeong." He begged.  "Anywhere but the beach."

"SeoJun would you stop worrying about your 'rebel' image?  People will still see you as a bad boy, don't worry."

SeoJun grimaced at HeeGyeong's words, and behind the half smile I sensed only a half truth had been told...

SeoJun had already done a myriad of things that 'Han SeoJun' wouldn't be caught dead doing without complaint (see: professing his love for, and dating Jeo JangMi).  So if it was his image that he cared about he wouldn't have been so insistent...

But what was the underlying reason?

"I'm not getting wet." He said sternly. 

"They can do what they want with me on dry land.  Hell, they can even bury me in the sand.  But if they try and make me get in the water I'll leave.  So, don't test me on that."

Had it really been something that meaningless? 

He'd made such a big deal that I really began to believe there was some deeper reason why he didn't want to get wet. 

Aish...  why did I even bother worrying about him at this point?

"Fine.  No water." HeeGyeong agreed.  "You know, I thought being around JangMi would tame the Diva in you, but clearly it's had the opposite effect.  You're somehow much worse."

not my problem. - 𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐯Where stories live. Discover now