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For a good hour or two now JangMi and I had being doing the exact same thing. When I was younger I never understood how people could just sit still and do nothing. I always had to be occupying my self with something or other. But now I was grown and in this situation I had finally managed to answer my own question.

You did nothing when you didn't know what to do.

Sporadically, bags and suitcases had been appearing at the door, with the last of JangMi's things appearing around 11. The both of us had been engaging in uncomfortable stares and nervous repositioning where we sat opposite each other.

We'd managed to restrain ourselves in front of HeeGyeong but in truth, Jeo JangMi and I really didn't like each other. Emphasis on 'really'.

It all started back when I was an idol trainee. JangMi was already established in her career at the time and to be honest, I used to be one of her biggest fans. Emphasis here on 'used to'. I had my reasons for hating Jeo JangMi, just as I'm sure she had her own for hating me.

Unlike her and TaeHyung however, our feud was one that would probably never be resolved.

"You can sleep in the upstairs room."

I finally spoke up, breaking the silence. "I really only use the top floor for practicing routines, so I don't go up there much. There's everything upstairs that there is down here other than a kitchen but I don't cook anything other than instant ramen so we should be able to live pretty separately."

JangMi nodded, leaning forward where she sat. "Good." She spoke softly. "We'll do that then." Standing up, she ran her fingers through her hair, switching the parting from the middle to the side as she arose. Her long legs on full show (or at least, as much as they could be in the dress she was wearing). They called this girl a goddess for a reason.

As much as I hate her. I am still a man.

And she is one hell of a woman.

"Oh and SeoJun?"

I raised my eyebrows in implication of my wanting her to continue.

"You're still friends with JungKook, right?"

"We're close, yeah. I talk to him often." I offered as an answer.

"Don't tell him about any of this, ok?" She paused, expanding further. "I need some time to figure out how I'm going to explain this to Tae Tae."

"Tar Tae!" I exclaimed, surprised. "You call him... 'Tae Tae?'"

Even just saying the words made me feel uncomfortable.

"I am aware that you refuse to date SeoJun, but nicknames are a right of way for couples. Just be glad I don't start calling you Oppa once the news of us dating is released."

I cringed at the thought. It was fine hearing 'SeoJun Oppa' or just simply 'Oppa' from fans but the words coming out of JangMi's mouth in reference to me? ...It was a scary thought.

"But... you and TaeHyung aren't together." I remarked. "Won't it be good to make him jealous? So that he's sorry for breaking things off with you and begs for you back?"

not my problem. - 𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐯Where stories live. Discover now