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This morning, though by far not the most eventful or dramatic of the mornings which I have shared with Jeo JangMi thus far, was quite the commotion.

Now, I can't lie, and say that I am not responsible for any of the chaos that ensued, but just as equally my defence is reasonable enough.

Firstly, even though JangMi is living here now this is my property. And a man is meant to feel comfortable in his own home. Comfortable enough, at least, to wear what he chooses to wear.

Secondly, with JangMi now having as much a claim on me as I did on her I hadn't been able to entertain myself with ordering her around and making her sweat, so of course I leaped at an opportunity to see those emotions emanate from her again without resorting to blackmail, especially when it had presented itself so clearly.

Long story short, I'd been extra tired today after going to that reunion dinner last night and had found myself desperately craving some coffee. Like the kind of craving where your legs literally drag you into the kitchen before your brain even wakes up - and obviously being the free spirit I am I don't sleep fully clothed.

It wasn't like I was naked either, of course. I had my underwear on, after all. But the rest of me was on full display....

"Han SeoJun!"

I hadn't even clocked that I was indecent at the sound of JangMi's voice. The coffee was still brewing and thus I hadn't been properly shaken from my dreamlike state yet. However, as I turned around the shrill scream which I heard sounding in my direction was more than enough to stir me.

"Jesus!" I cried. "What!?"

"You're half naked!" She exclaimed, incredulously.

Truthfully I hadn't even noticed that myself until she said it. Normally I would have just brushed it off - but JangMi was making me nervous... The kind of nervous where I wanted to dig a whole, crawl into it, and never come out to see the light of day again.

Remembering my ego however I pushed back my nerves, hesitating a little before placing my hands on my lower torso and pushing up my chest.

"So?" I asked, conceitedly. "It's nothing you haven't seen before..."

I watched JangMi's eyes look me up and down - taking their time as they fixed themselves over my abdominal muscles.

I didn't have anything to be embarrassed about. Quite the contrary... my body was something I ought to have been proud of. God knows the amount of diets I've been put on since I joined MOVE, not to mention the strict workout routine.

Yet I felt like a deer caught in headlights in front of JangMi.

"Last time you had a dressing gown on..." She reminded, looking down and averting her gaze.

"Last time... you said there wasn't much to look at." I countered. "Why, JangMi," I paused, taking a step toward her. "Did you change your mind?"

Grabbing a hold of her hand, I pulled her in closer to me so that her body was almost touching mine. It was a wonder how I was managing to be so externally suave when, in reality, I was close to dying of embarrassment inside.

"What? No! Let go of me already!"

Though her eyes were slightly murderous - beneath the cold offence was a glimpse of my own feelings. Though, I seemed to make her more nervous than self-conscious (as she was currently rendering me).

I let go of her hand as she requested, though I moved in closer to her, towering even further over her small frame and forcing her to raise her head upward so that she could see me properly.

not my problem. - 𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐯Where stories live. Discover now