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Connie and Julie filled Flynn in on everything that just happened and how they were worried about what the guys were going to do. They knew that they would definitely be at Bobby's because Luke asked where he lived. They all were running towards Carrie's house so they could try and find where the guys are and if they could pull them out of this mess of a plan. They ran up to the door of the house and Connie knocked on the door and they all waited for Carrie to answer the door.

"Hey!" the girls said, dragging it out.

"What are you two doing here? How'd you get over the security gate?" Carrie asked.

"Teamwork!" Connie laughed.

Connie really wanted to find the guys and make sure that they wouldn't do anything stuipd. She knew how they felt because Carries stole her music and it broke her but she managed to bring herself back up. All she wanted to do was make sure that they could make new music with her and Julie and it would be so much better than the music that Bobby had stolen.

"Do you have a Band-Aid? The barbed wire's new." Julie said, followed by an awkward laugh.

"What do you want?" Carrie asked, sounding quite annoyed.

"Uh... Just thought you should know that Julie's band is playing at the dance tonight." Flynn said.

"Now you know." Julie laughed.

Carrie looked at the three girls in front of them and could tell that something was wrong. They were acting strange and she couldn't tell why they were being really strange. They were all friends once but Carrie stole everything from them and didn't give Connie or Julie any credit for it. Connie really wanted to ask for dirty candi back and ask her why she stole her songs but she knew that this wasn't the time and her main focus was finding the guys and stop them from doing something stupid.

"You guys are acting weirder than usual." Carrie said, looking at the three girls standing in front of her.

"Probably because we're thirsty." Connie said, trying to find a good way of getting into the house.

"Can we come in for a glass of water?" Julie asked.

"Ugh! Fine, if it'll make you leave faster." Carrie said, moving aside to let the three girls in.

Connie, Julie and Flynn walked into the house and looked around. Connie hated that Carrie bragged about having everything and saying that it was hers when it clearly wasn't. All she wanted to do was tell Carrie how much she hated her for everything that she has done to her. She stole her songs and claimed for them to be here won when they clearly weren't. Carrie quickly turned towards the three girls and knew that they were up to something but didn't want to talk to them and she knew that getting them a glass of water would make them leave faster.

"Don't break anything." Carrie said, sounding really serious.

The girls walked into the house and were looking everywhere for the guys, they were hoping that they hadn't gone far because it would be a really childish move. Julie and Connie were really worried because they had no idea what the guys were going to do. They had literally found out that one of their old band members had stolen all their music and they obviously wanted to get revenge. They walked into the living room part of the house and started to look to see if they could see anything different to prove that the guys were here. Connie didn't want to say that she was worried but she was worried. She had no idea what her brother would do when he was angry and upset.

"Where are you?" Julie said, thinking out loud.

"I'm... I'm right here." a voice said.

They girls tensed up at the voice because they realised that they messed up. Slowly they turned around and saw Nick sat on the couch. Julie realised that she spoke her thoughts and Nick thought she was talking to him. Connie tired her hardest to ignore Nick and look around to see if she could find her brother and the other two boys that they let out of their sight.

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