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Previously on You are the reason

"Julie why is Sunset Curve in your mom's studio"


Connie Pov

I was so confused on why Sunset Curve was in Julie's studio. They all looked at me and Julie's face looked so happy to see me. I was so confused about what was happening because Sunset Curve died in 1995 and there is no reason why they could be in the studio. I walked in and went over to Julie and asked her what was going on. I could tell that she had been pancing because her face could say it all but she explained what happened. She found the Sunset Curve Cd and decided to play it and then three guys out of nowhere came and hit the floor. They were then claiming to be Sunset Curve and she wanted to make sure it was true so that's why she called me. She gave them a little bit of information about me. I could see that Reggie was looking at me and wanted to say something but was waiting for me and Julie to finish our conversation.

"So your sister," Reggie said.

"Yeah"I said.

We all started to talk about what it is like now. They were all so intrigued on what the world is like now. Reggie asked if our parents were still together and I had to tell him that they weren't. I also told him the story about how I never see our dad and how I haven't seen him in a while. He ran off after my 10th birthday and never actually came back. He's tried to phone me a couple of times but I have ignored him and even told my mom not to answer any of his phone calls or messages. Reggie told me that he always wanted a sister and he now finally got his wish. Me and Alex became close instantly and he almost took the role of being my support anchor. He hated that he had been crying in a room for 25 years but I told him the best way to deal with sadness is to make jokes out of it. He started out by making some really terrible jokes but after a while the jokes actually turned out to be really funny and I taught him some of my tricks. I picked up my phone and made sure that nobody had messaged me because I knew how worried people get if I don't answer.

I didn't realise it but Luke was talking to Julie but kept on looking at me out of the corner of his eye and kept on seeing me laugh. Soon me and Julie had to leave the guys in the Studio and I was ok with them staying and Julie finally gave in after we all tried to convince her. Once I got home I went straight upstairs and pulled out my lyric journal and for the first time in a long time I started to write music again. I didn't realise the time until my mom came into my room and told me that I should probably head to bed and I fell asleep dreaming about what the hell just happened on this day.

Julie Pov

I decided that I should go back to my moms studio and see if they guys were in there. I slowly opened the door to the studio and checked around to see if they were in there. I placed my bag down on the side and walked over to the piano and sat down and picked up the sheet music that was on the top of the piano. I realised that this must be the music that Luke was talking about and I looked over it and then placed it out in front of me and placed my fingers on the keys that they were meant to be on and started to play for the first time in over a year.

 I realised that this must be the music that Luke was talking about and I looked over it and then placed it out in front of me and placed my fingers on the keys that they were meant to be on and started to play for the first time in over a year

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