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Luke, Reggie and Alex were in Reggie's room and they were all exploring the place. Reggie thought that when they moved house they would have just packed up his room and never unpacked it but he was wrong because his room was perfect. He saw all the music equipment that Connie had and was quite shocked that she had this much stuff. Luke started to look at the desk to see if there were any random Sunset Curve songs that she may have put on the desk. Instead he found a folded sheet of paper and on the top it read 'Constance Sunet Peters' he opened it and saw lyrics to a song.

"Guys look at this," Luke said.

The boys came and looked around the paper and saw the song and then realised that it said draft one. Luke really wanted to hear the finished version of the song because it sounded like a really good song. They also heard Connie singing softly as she was walking around the hallway probably going back to her room. Luke really wanted to know if she could sing or not and was making it his task to find out. Reggie asked the guys if they could stay at his house tonight and they all agreed and Luke poofed back to Julie's house because he had an idea of how to get Julie back into the music program. He thought that Julie might have not thought about his idea and his idea's always worked. Once he got to the house he went into the kitchen and tried to open the fridge. It took him quite a long time to open it but once he did he just stood and stared at the food. Ghost's couldn't eat and it was really annoying but he wanted to eat and he was planning what he could eat if he could.

"Do you guys even eat?" Julie asked, looking into the fridge and picked up Peanut butter.

"I just wanna see what'cha got." Luke said, staring at the food.

Luke could sense how hungry he was and it annoyed him quite a lot that he couldn't eat. All he wanted to do was make something to eat and enjoy it. Julie looked at him and then shut the fridge and walked through Luke and got the weird sensation that you always get when you walk through a ghost.

"Hey! You know how long it took me to open that?" Luke said.

"Sorry, I don't believe in wasting power." Julie said, walking over to the island in the kitchen.

Luke followed because he really wanted to get Julie back in the music program, he had a perfect idea. Sometimes the guys would say differently because they would know that Luke's idea's wouldn't go according to plan but for some reason Luke had a good feeling about this plan and he really wanted it to work.

"Good. Because that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." Luke said.

Julie was quite confused on why Luke wanted to talk about her power usage. Luke wanted to make sure that this plan would work. He knew that Julie could sing but he didn't know if Star could sing so he was going to ask Julie if she could sing. He was going to ask Reggie but he didn't know that he had a sister so it wouldn't really work and he didn't want to spy on her.

"Our power usage?" Julie asked, really confused on what Luke was talking about.

"No. The power that you have. Your voice. Your piano playing. Dude, you're like a human wrecking ball." Luke said, trying to get Julie to see what he was hinting at.

Julie was wondering if Luke was trying to give her a pep talk. It sounded a lot like Connie and the pep talks that she would try and bring Julie out of her head.

"Is this a pep talk? Cause you sound a lot like Connie" Julie laughed.

Luke felt heat rush to his cheeks at the sound of Connie's name. He looked down and tried to make it seem like he wasn't blushing. Julie noticed that he looked down and his cheeks were red and she giggled a little bit and went back to making her sandwich.

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