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Connie took her bass from around her and placed it next to the piano and went to stand next to Julie. She saw Jason's face and it was a mix between betrayal and happiness. She was wondering if he was happy that she was singing again and not wondering if her song was good or not. It was also the first she had sung in front of people apart from her mom, him or Julie and Flynn. Connie didn't really want to have a conversation about it but she knew that it was going to happen. Julie looked at Flynn and saw the betrayal laced on her face and felt really bad. She didn't know if it was the best option to tell Flynn that they are ghosts. Mr Harrison looked at Julie and Connie with an upset look in her eye after what they had just done.

"Mrs. Harrison, I am so sorry for not asking for permission." Julie started.

"We just wanted to show you that Julie belongs here." Connie finished.

They were hoping that they wouldn't get in trouble.

"As amazing as that was, your spot's already been filled by another student." Mrs Harrison said.

Julie and Connie looked over to a little kid practically who was caring for a really big instrument that was twice the size of him. He rolled it down the steps and every step there was a rattle and a clang. Julie and Connie both looked at each other and then back at the kid. It was twice the size of him and there was no way that the kid was going to be able to play that without it falling and crushing.

"Come on, that thing is way too big for him!" Connie and Julie both exclaimed.

"He'll grow into it." Mrs Harrison said, trying to have hope in her voice. "I wish that I could help you, but my hands are tied."

Julie and Connie sat on the edge of the stage and both signed. They tried and the plan failed. They both thought that the plan was going to work and they had a really strong feeling about this plan. Luke really made them have hope with this plan and maybe they had too much hope and it wasn't meant to happen. It was just meant to be Julie Molina wasn't going to be back in music and Flynn and Connie were going to be alone without their third bestie in the group.

"Mine aren't, and as much as I didn't approve of this little stunt that you pulled" the Principal said looking at the girls. "I will not go down in history as the principal who kicked Julie Molina out of the music program."

The girls looked up and realised that their hope wasn't lost and the plan worked. They were actually quite shocked that Luke's plan worked because Alex and Reggie were a tiny bit worried about it not working and the girl getting in trouble.

"Thank you!" Julie said.

"But... when you win your first Grammy, I want to be thanked." the Principal said

"Definitely." Connie said.

Julie and Connie got up and hugged and jumped around a bit because Julie was back in the music program. Connie looked over to where the guys were and they waved before poofing away. Luke waited and mounted that he wanted to talk to her later and Connie nodded. They both looked back and saw Flynn was on the verge of tears and Connie saw that Jason looked quite annoyed and upset too. She jumped off the stage and walked up to him hoping that he wouldn't be so mad at what just happened.

"Wow. You did it." Jason said, trying not to sound sarcastic but it came across as sarcastic.

Connie was really confused on why Jason sounded really sarcastic when he said that. She couldn't tell if he saw happy or angry with her. She looked over to Julie and saw that she was probably having the same conversation with Flynn and we both could lose our closest friends.

"Thanks to you." Connie said trying to sound happy, but was actually worried about what was going on. "Hey, you OK?"

"Uh... I'm great." Jason said. He was trying to sound convincing but was falling terribly.

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