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The guys were in the studio while Julie and Connie were at school and they promised that they wouldn't do anything stupid. Luke kept on thinking about Connie and how much fun they had yesterday night and he really wanted to do it again. They both made a promise to each other that they wouldn't say anything and they would keep it a secret because everyone would freak if they knew. Connie was still with Jason as well and it wouldn't really end well if it got out. Alex was also walking up and down the garage and he seemed to be pacing but he was also stressing and he wouldn't stop. Luke and Reggie were sitting on the couch and were watching him wondering when he was going to stop.

"I think he's practising his model strut." Reggie whispered to Luke.

"He's so nervous, he's almost making me nervous." Luke said, looking at Alex wondering if he was ever going to stop.

Alex was panicking and stressing after what was happening in his life. He didn't know if he could handle all this worry and confusion. He really wanted to understand what was going on but he couldn't and it was slowly eating at him and he hated it.

"OK, look, you guys know I don't handle change well. All right? Death? That was a change. OK? Then we became ghosts." Alex ranted and had a mini panic attack. "All right? Another change. And... and now we can be seen whenever we play with Julie and Connie. Big freaking change!"

"Yeah, but, bro, it was a good change. With Julie and Star, we can play on stage again and be the band we never got to be. Luke said, trying to cheer Alex up. "Come on. I mean, you gotta be down for that."

"Yeah, I mean, who wouldn't be? I just... You know, I wanna figure out why." Alex said.

"Forget why. Man, I say we invite Julie and Star to join Sunset Curve." Luke said, standing up from sitting on the couch and walking up to Alex.

"Yeah, totally. I mean, like, think about it. With two new lead singers, this band would be legendary." Reggie said, catching on to what Luke was saying.

"Hey! I'm our lead singer." Luke said, slightly hurt.

"Dude, Julie and my sis have the voice of angels, and she can make us visible.

Without them, we're just like elevator music." Reggie said, slight upset that he had to say that.

"You don't gotta be so mean about it." Luke said, feeling hurt. He then turned to see Alex back on the Runway "And we're on the runway again."

"OK, I'm sorry, all right? I just... I gotta go clear my head." Alex said.

He walked over to the door of the garage and walked into it because he tried to open it. Being a ghost was super difficult because you could sometimes do what an alive person could do but most of the time you couldn't and it would be really difficult and confusing.

"Dude, you're a ghost. Just poof out." Reggie says.

"Don't tell me how to ghost!" Alex says, before poofing out.

Once Connie got home from school she ran straight upstairs and went into Reggie's room and pulled her piano out and got her lyric journal. For some reason since she fell out with Jason her ideas for songs were seeping through her brain. She did make up with Jason today because he said that he hated to fight and see her upset. She started to play the chords that she was thinking about all day and scribbled down in her journal and then placed the lyrics that she randomly wrote and started to come up with a song. She realised soon enough that she wasn't writing about Jason anymore but she didn't really mind because he wasn't in her kinda as much any more. She tried not to show that she was losing her love for him because she didn't want to hurt him. They had been friends since forever and losing their friendship would be the end of everything in everyone's eyes. Soon she heard her phone go off and it was Julie saying that she was going to go and speak with the boys and she could come too. Connie grabbed her jacket and quickly messaged back saying that she would be there soon and made her way over to Julies.

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