🦁 19 🦁

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"stop stressing like that, ten."

the thai male nodded quickly, trying to think about something else than the talent show that his and his best friend would participate in the next day.

"taeyong, you know very well i can't."

"come on..." the korean rolled his eyes.

"we need to practice more. i'm not sure my dancing is on point, and- "

"ten." taeyong said sternly. "stop."

ten looked at taeyong in the eye as the other boy placed his two hands on ten's shoulders to hold him in place.

"ten, you are an amazing dancer. everybody knows that. it's not the time to practice. the show is tomorrow, and we need to rest to be in a good shape by then."

"but- "


ten shut his mouth not to anger taeyong more.

he may not show it, but he was terrified.

the talent show was only hours away, and he never felt like he was ready.

his dancing could always get better. his moves could always be sharper. his singing could always become clearer.

but taeyong didn't seem to agree with him.

the korean male was as stressed as his best friend was, but he didn't show it because he knew how much of a worried person ten could be.

taeyong truly cared for his best friend. he didn't want him to feel left out or to get worried over nothing.

taeyong knew perfectly how much he had hurt him in the past days, and he absolutely didn't want these events to repeat again.

"i am hungry." ten said softly, his eyes meeting taeyong's again.

the other nodded, confirming he was too. "what do you want to eat?"


taeyong chuckled at his best friend's cuteness. "alright, i'll order one for you. go watch the tv to think about something else."

ten immediately did as he was told, jumping on the couch and switching the tv on to binge-watch some stupid show.

on his side, taeyong fished his phone inside his pocket and dialled the number of the closest pizzeria. he ordered two pizzas, thanking the man on the line after he told him they would be delivered in half an hour.

taeyong put his phone on the kitchen table, leaning against the counter and staring at ten, lying on their couch in all his glory, his eyes too focused on the screen to notice the heart eyes his best friend was giving him.

taeyong couldn't help but feel like a horrible person.

how could he have allowed himself to act like a dick to this perfect soul? ten deserved to be treated like the rarest wonder in the universe; not some vulgar piece of clothing that has been hanging on your chair for the past week.

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