🦁 9 🦁

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taeyong woke up after a long night of sleep because he couldn't feel his left arm anymore.

he slowly opened his eyes, and gasped when he realised the cause of his numb arm.

his best friend was still peacefully sleeping in his bed, and he had his head placed on taeyong's arm, his face hidden in taeyong's chest, his legs entangled with taeyong's and his whole body glued to taeyong's.

taeyong felt a crowd of butterflies erupt in his stomach as he smiled at the cute view, his words of the night before coming back to his mind.

"we're best friends, ten. nothing is going to happen."

sure... nothing...

just them cuddling to death while sleeping...

taeyong used his arm that was around ten's waist to brush away some hair out of the smaller's face, his smile never leaving his face.

how could he stop loving this perfect human?

it seemed impossible...

but they had to, sadly.

in the blink of an eye, when taeyong was about to fall asleep again, the door of his room burst open, and yuta appeared, his face lightening when he realised his two owners were there.

"yuta wants cuddles too!" he exclaimed before jumping on the bed, snuggling in between ten and taeyong.

because of the sudden movements, ten awoke, not really understanding what was happening.

"ten!!!" yuta smiled brightly, engulfing him in a bear hug.

"yuta... you're... i can't breathe..." ten told with difficulty.

"baby, don't hold him too tight." taeyong chuckled, detangling yuta and ten, allowing the smaller one to breathe properly again.

yuta cuddled taeyong this time, his tail circling around ten's body to show him he hadn't forgotten about him.

"what time is it?" ten asked with a slightly raspy voice, his hand finding its place in yuta's hair.

"almost 11." tayeong replied, glancing at his mural clock.

"hmm... i still have some time to sleep..." ten replied nonchalantly, ready to fall asleep again.

"noooo..." yuta whined. "yuta has been waiting for three hours for ten and taeyong, and ten and taeyong kept cuddling together without yuta... now i want cuddles too..."

"cuddling?!" ten yelled, sitting up immediately.

taeyong smiled sheepishly at his best friend who was glaring.

"cuddle yuta!!!" the hybrid whined, pulling ten against him.

"yes baby, i'm just warning taeyong that i'll have a conversation with him later on." ten replied, his eyes glued to taeyong.

taeyong gulped, seeing the look in his best friend's eyes before looking at his watch – well, an imaginary one. "oh god! it's late, i had promised mr. kim that i'll go to the studio today!" taeyong gasped. "i really have to go..."


taeyong entered the studio as if it was his own house, not expecting to find someone recording a song there on a sunday.

he stopped in his tracks listening to the beautiful voice singing a slow song.

he reached the side of the studio, where he could see through the glass who was singing.

jung jaehyun. 

jaehyun was taking singing classes with him. they had talked two or three times, but never more than exchanging a dozen words.

he was a pretty handsome boy, and he truly seemed friendly, but every time one of them wanted to deepen the conversation, their teacher would ask them something to prevent them to.

"oh, taeyong!" their singing teacher startled the korean male. "what are you doing here?"

"oh, huh... i... i wanted to pick up some documents..."

"oh alright."

taeyong walked in one of the classrooms next to the studio to 'pick some documents', still listening to the magnificent voice of jaehyun.

after a few minutes, jaehyun stopped singing, and taeyong heard him talking with their teacher.

taeyong stayed in the classroom, sitting on a desk and waiting for jaehyun to sing again, but the singing never came. instead, he was startled by a voice.


the so-called male jumped off the table and looked at the person that had entered the room.

"oh, jaehyun. i heard you singing, it was very good." taeyong smiled.

"thank you..." the boy replied shyly. "are you going to sing too?"

"huh... no, i just came to get out of my house, haha."

jaehyun nodded.

"what about you?" taeyong asked. "are you going to sing again?"

"no. mr. kim just left, so i was about to leave too. but i saw you here."

"yeah..." taeyong smiled.

the two boys stayed silent for a few seconds, not making eye contact. jaehyun was obviously a bit stressed, but taeyong couldn't understand why he would be. it's not like taeyong was some intimidating person.

"taeyong?" jaehyun spoke after a while.


"can i... tell you something?"

taeyong nodded with a smile.

this time, he looked at jaehyun whose cheeks were a crimson color, and who's head was slightly leaning forward, as if he was looking at his feet. he was also fidgeting with his fingers, and taeyong couldn't understand what was bothering him so much.

"well... you see..." jaehyun started, still avoiding taeyong's eyes.

"yes?" the older male kept a smile on his face to encourage jaehyun to speak.

"i think you're a very beautiful person, taeyong, and... well... i think i fell for you..."

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