🦁 16 🦁

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sicheng knocked on the door of the studio from which he could hear someone singing.

the door got opened by someone sicheng recognized as the singing teacher.

"how can i help you?" the teacher asked.

"mr park wants to see taeyong." sicheng replied, earning a nod from the man in front of him.

"taeyong!" he shouted. "mr park wants to talk to you."

sicheng awkwardly waited for taeyong to get his stuff and get out of the studio.

when he did, sicheng thanked the singing teacher and closed the door.

taeyong and sicheng walked towards the practice room in silence.

when they got in front of the door, taeyong was surprised to see sicheng continuing to walk.

"sicheng? the practice room is here." he told.

"we're not going to the practice room." sicheng replied on a cold tone.

"i can hear mr park inside." taeyong said, his hand on the handle.

sicheng turned around, gripping taeyong's wrist and pulling the rapper away from the door.

"i am the one who wants to have a conversation with you."


"i lied so that you and i could talk privately."

taeyong let himself being dragged towards another room without complaining much.

he got pushed in a rather small room with desks and chairs set in a large square.

sicheng closed the door behind them and rested his back on the door to prevent taeyong from leaving the room.

"you seem pretty pissed." taeyong noted, taking a sit on top of a desk.

"do i?" sicheng raised a brow.

"yeah, and i can't understand why."

sicheng mentally rolled his eyes, trying not to anger taeyong for nothing.

"i know what you said to ten."

"i don't see what- "

"he told me."

taeyong lowered his head in shame.

"that was a bitch move, taeyong."

"i know but- "

"no." sicheng cut him. "nothing can justify what you told him. do you realise how harsh you have been on him? ten is someone fragile. you can't just scream such insults at him and expect him to be okay with it."

"yeah, i know." taeyong replied, trying not to meet sicheng's eyes.

"why did you do it if you know then? he was so broken yesterday."

taeyong sighed.

he had been really awful, saying all those words to his best friend.

he didn't want to say those things.

he didn't mean them.

but he had said them, and he couldn't understand why.

"i get that ten isn't the easiest person to deal with." sicheng decided to speak up as he noticed taeyong sulking more and more, without showing any sign of talking soon. "i get that he is sassy, and that he can be a bitch sometimes, but he's ten. you have known each other for long years. you have been best friends for as long as you can remember. and that's because your personas are compatible. he's taming you; you're taming him. you basically are soulmates taeyong. and hearing such words from your soulmate can't doing anything but break your heart."

taeyong still kept his mouth shut, but this time, he nodded, agreeing with sicheng's words.

"i know you're stressed with the talent show approaching. and i know he is too. that's surely what is making both of you this vulnerable." sicheng continued. "but you need to stay strong. for you and for him. he needs you now more than ever, taeyong. ten and you have been drifting apart lately, and i hate it. not only does it kill both of you from the inside, but it does also affect yuta."

"what does yuta have to do with ten and i?" taeyong spoke for the first time in a while.

"yuta is the proof of your love, taeyong." sicheng replied. "yuta is what is keeping you together. you both love him, whether you are best friends or worst enemies."

"you're right."

sicheng smiled seeing how taeyong was regaining his spirits.

"but that's not enough taeyong, and you know it."


"you and ten are meant to be much more than best friends."


"you are meant to be lovers. that's why you love each other."


"it's always like this. whatever ten is doing, you fall for him. and whatever you do, ten falls for you."

"not really..."

"yes, taeyong. i know it, i see it. you're torturing yourself. i keep telling you that."


"taeyong, follow your heart, and stop trying to push your feelings away."

"i'm not pushing them away anymore."

sicheng didn't continue his long speech on love when he heard what taeyong told.


"i don't like ten anymore. at least, not like before."

"taeyong, that's false, and you know it."

"it's not."

"but... ten is your soulmate, he's the one for you."

"i guess he isn't the perfect one... i found another."

"another ten?"

"no. a completely different man..."


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