The White Violin part 3

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I looked over and saw Klaus' fists turning a vibrant blue. "What the fuck" I mumbled as he lifted his hands.

A faint blue figure appeared in front of him. Ben. He lifted his shirt and tentacles came out, taking down multiple shooters.

All of us looked in shock at Klaus and Ben. We stood up slowly as Ben grunted and killed the shooters one by one.

"Oh my god" Luther mumbled while we looked at them. "It's him, Ben" he said shocked. "I told you he wasn't lying" I told him.

When the shooters were dead, Ben lowered his shirt and disappeared again. Klaus laughed and waved at us.

"Fuck yes!" I yelled proudly. We looked over at Vanya to see a brighter white light surrounding her and making her black suite and violin white.

The theatre began shaking above us. Diego walked back to us from, wherever he was.

"Oh, welcome back, what did you do?" I asked him confused. "Honoring a memory" he responded.

"So, how do you wanna end this thing?" Diego asked us while looking at Vanya. "We surround her" Luther explained.

"All right? We come at her from all angles" he told us. "So it's a suicide mission" Klaus said slowly.

"Yeah, but one of us could get through. It's the only chance we've got" Five tried to convince us.

"Are we all in?" Luther asked us. "Yeah" we said at the same time. Luther looked at Allison's shocked face. "Allison?" He asked for confirmation. She shook her head 'no' frantically.

"Stage left" he pointed at Diego. Diego ran to the left. "Stage right" he pointed to himself. "You guys take the front" Luther told Klaus, Five and I.

Klaus, Five and I ran to the front of the stage, ducking behind the chairs. White lights shone from Vanya while the theatre began crumble and shaking.

We all waited as Vanya began playing faster and the lights almost blinded our eyes. "Now!" Luther yelled at the top of his lungs.

We all ran towards Vanya. Luther from the right, Diego from the left and the three of us from the middle.

We ran towards Vanya, and as soon as she spotted us, she swung her bow, sending us all up in the air, floating while white lights held us up.

It felt horrible. It was like electricity going through my body, sucking all of us my powers away. The worst thing was, I couldn't even do anything. I couldn't even move, let alone breath.

Vanya held is there as she made eye contact with all of us. I looked behind Vanya, seeing Allison stand there with something pointing at her. A gun.

Tears streaming down her face as she kept the gun pointed at her. I became more difficult to breath and it hurt even more.

Allison moved the gun to next to her ear and shot. Making Vanya fall to the ground, taking us with.

A bright white light shot out of Vanya's chest, through the ceiling.

We stood up from the ground and ran over to Allison who was holding an unconscious Vanya on her lap. We all sat down next to her.

"Is she all right?" Luther asked her. "Yeah" she whispered as loud as she could. "She is? Yeah?" He asked her softly.

"Oh, thank God" Klaus sighed in relief. My chest began hurting, a lot. It felt like I couldn't breath. I held a hand on my chest as the other kept talking.

"We didn't it. We saved the world" Luther said with a smile. He hugged Allison as Vanya was still on her lap.

"Oh, man" Klaus sighed. He turned around and looked up. I clutched my chest harder as the pain won't go away, tears brimming in my eyes.

Klaus stood up and pointed at the broken ceiling. "Guys?" He asked worriedly. We looked at to where he was pointing.


"You see that big moon rock coming towards us?" He asked us. "That's not good" Luther muttered and stood next to Klaus. "So this is it, huh? So much for... saving the world" Klaus muttered.

I fell to my knees and bend forward as the pain in my chest became unbearable. Allison shook my shoulder rapidly and pushed Luther with her foot to get his attention.

"Wha- Victoria, whats wrong?" He grabbed my shoulders and lifted me up a little to look at me.

I looked at Five who was looking at me with a clueless expression. "No, Victoria, now is not the time" he told me frustrated, bending down to my level to look at my face.

"Is this it?" I groaned. "What is?" Diego asked confused while I clutched my chest, tears streaming down my face.

"Did you take the pills?" Five asked me worriedly. I nodded.

"This doesn't have to be the end" Five said to us all of the sudden. Klaus bend down next to me, hugging me as I groaned in pain.

"What? What are you saying, Five?" Luther asked him, glancing at me. "I think I have a way out of here. But you gotta trust me on this" he explained vaguely.

"Yeah, I don't think so"



The three of them said at the same time. "Well, then, we might as well accept our fate, because in less then a minute we're gonna be vaporized" he said angry.

"What's your idea then?" Diego asked him skeptically. "We use my ability to time travel. But this time, I'll take you with me" he explained to us.

Klaus hugged me tighter as he looked at me worriedly.

"You can do that?" Diego asked him shocked. "I don't know. I've never tried it before" Five sighed.

"What's the worst that can happen?" Diego asked us, shrugging. "You're looking at it. A fifty year old man inside a child's body, so there's that" Five told us.

"Oh, what the hell? I'm in" Diego said. "Yeah, whatever. I'm in" Klaus said from beside me, still hugging me.

"Me too" Luther said. "Victoria?" Five asked me. I hesitantly nodded while groaning in pain. "Allison?" Luther asked her.

She nodded and Luther looked back at Klaus beside me. Klaus looked at my other side, where nobody sat and back at Luther. "Great, yeah, he's in" he nodded.

"Are you okay?" Klaus whispered to me.

And then... it all went black...

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