Extra Ordinary part 2

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I was sitting by the window in the attic, next to Allison, smoking a cigarette which probably makes my lifetime even shorter.

"I'm sorry about earlier" she confessed after he smoked our cigarette in silence. "We both had shit to say to eachother" I shrugged. I just wanted to get out of here.

"I know, but what you said was true" she told me. "Which part?" I asked, taking a huff from my cigarette.

"Everything. I shouldn't have said that stuff, that was just mean" she said honestly. "It's what you wanted to say but was afraid to" I responded.

"No-" "You thought that for a long time, you know just had the guts to say it after all of these years" I shrugged, taking another hit from my cigarette.

"I'm sorry if we made you feel that way" she confessed. "We really treated you like shit, even worse than Vanya" she continued.

"Glad you finally realized" I said looking out of the window. "I hope you guys know I'm not going to be running back to you guys if two of you apologize. I'm not going to treat you guys like my little family if that's what you're expecting" I told her honestly.

"I only came to the funeral yesterday to show you guys that I'm actually fine without you guys, I'm not going to contact you guys anymore" I told her. "That's just what needs to happen" "Victoria, don't say that" she interrupted me with a cracked voice.

"You know it has to happen Allison. I'm not coming back because it's not going to change. Nobody in this house has ever loved me and I'm fine with that" I looked back at her tears eyes.

Just when she was about to respond, we heard gunshots. "Shit" I muttered, putting out my cigarette.

Gunshots kept firing all around the house. "What the fuck is happening" Allison asked, walking besides me.

It was quiet for a minute and we stopped walking. Listening for any sort of movement. Then the gunshots kept firing.

We ran down the stairs and saw two people shooting guns at somebody in the living room. I kicked the first guy in the back while Allison kicked the other one down.

Allison kept fighting one while I fought the other one. I threw him or her across the living room as Luther did with the other.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Allison asked panicked. I swear to god if it's one of the Colombian mafia.

"You're welcome" Luther told Diego. "I was doing fine" Diego defended. "Oh, yeah, you really had them" "Ever heard of a rope-a-dope?" The man interrupted Luther.

The one I took down started shooting again at us, the sad with the other one. "Get out of here now! Go!" Luther yelled at us.

We all ran out of the living room, Allison, Diego and Luther to the kitchen while I ran to the hallway.

"Hey guys?" I heard Vanya's voice coming from the entree. Shit. "Guys? Is everyone okay?" She asked again. Dumb bitch, does she not realize the people are probably still in here?

I heard her footsteps waking passed me to the living room. "Hello?" She asked again. She went to the living room and looked around slowly.

I looked around the corner to see her in the middle of the living room, just looking around. Then one of the two people come from her left as he or she tried to hit her with something.

She dodged the first time, but got hit in the face with it the second time, which made her fall down to the floor. I have to save everyone's asses.

"Hey asshole!" I yelled at the figure, coming from around the corner.  He turned around as he or she heard my voice.

He came my way with the nunchaku. A fucking nunchaku. I didn't have my gun with me, which was a stupid mistake by the way, if you couldn't already tell.

He came to me, swinging it from side to side. He tried swinging it at my face, but he ducked and kicked his knee, which made him fall down to the floor, dropping his nunchaku.

I kicked his stomach one, then two times. I grabbed my leg and tackled me down to the floor. "You son of a bitch" I groaned.

Gunshots were heard from the distance. "We just want the boy" the man groaned as he tried strangling me.

His hands squeezed tighter around my neck, cutting off any oxygen. "Fuck you" I wheezed, laughing without any air.

I kicked him in the nuts and pushed him off of my as he bend over to ease the pain. He tried punching me across the face but I caught his arm mid air. I kicked his stomach and he stumbled back.

He tried kicking me in the face but I ducked. Just when I got up again, he punched me straight on my nose."It's a mistake to fight a mafia boss, darling" I laughed, wiping the blood from under my nose.

We kept throwing punches at eachother, hitting eachother hard. "Vanya, get out of here!" I yelled at her as I saw her sitting there on the floor, just looking.

Punch after punch, we kept fighting. I kicked him on his knee again, twisting his knee in an odd way, making him fall to the ground.

"Are you okay?" I heard Allison's and Luther's voice coming from the staircase. "I'm fine" I wiped the blood from underneath my nose. "Did you get the other bitch?" I asked them as they stood in front of me.

"Yeah" Luther answered. Just then a gunshots fired and the chandelier from above us started coming closer to us.

"Get out of the way!" Luther pushed Allison and I from underneath the chandelier. "Luther!" Allison yelled panicked.

Then, the chandelier fell right on top of Luther, smashing him. Nobody moved. We just stood there in shock.

"Did the dumbass seriously try to save me?" I asked myself out loud. Just then, movement came from underneath the chandelier.

"No fucking way he's still alive" I said shocked. Luther moved the chandelier out of the way, pushing it behind him. His shirt ripped as he stood up fully.

Allison, Diego and I just looked at him with mouths agape. "What the fuck" I said slowly. His shoulders were in fact, really, that wide. But the thing shocked me the most is that he looked like a fucking werewolf, hair on his chest and arms.

"Holy shit" Diego whispered. "What the fuck is this shit? Planet of the apes?" I asked Luther.

He just kept looking at Allison, trying to figure out her reaction. "Shit Luther, get a wax" I told him honestly. I huffed and went walking to the front door.

"Bye guys" I waved behind me as I walked out of the front door. This was a bad bad decision to come her in the first place.

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