"Mind your own business, Aaliyah." Disha tells her angrily.

"No, I care for her. I don't want her to get hurt. After all he is the super-rich and famous Abhishek Prem Mehra, who can have the pick of the women like this Tanu Kapoor for example. She is an actress. And you.... Pragya, he is born and brought up in Mumbai while you have always lived in Bareilly. He would want to marry someone from his social status and stature. And even if he married you, it would only be a compromise and he wouldn't truly be happy with you."

"Just because she doesn't say anything to you doesn't mean you should talk crap to her." Disha tells her angrily.

"I care for her. if he is not happy with her then how will she be happy with him? And Pragya deserves better than a cheating husband."

"I need to make a call, Aaliyah. If you will excuse me." Pragya tells her politely hiding her anger.

"Call, Pragya." Aaliyah tells her, not making any moves to leave.

Sighing, Pragya looks away as she took her mobile and dialed Abhi's number. She hears the phone ringing and it was cut on the second ring. Her heart starts beating fast.

"He didn't answer?" Aaliyah asks seeing Pragya hanging up the phone and getting up to leave.

"I need to go." Pragya tells Disha.

Disha nods.

"Don't waste your life on him, Pragya." Aaliyah tells her in faking sympathy.

Pragya ignores her and runs home.

Pragya runs into her house and sees her father sitting in the living room. he looks up at her.

"You saw?" Raghuveer asks her softly seeing her holding the missing newspaper.

Pragya nods as she dropped the newspaper on the table.

"I was going to call Tej." Raghuveer informs her.

"It's okay. you don't have to call to discuss this, Baba." Pragya informs him and runs to the kitchen.

"Pragya, are you okay?" Sarala asks her in concern.

"I am fine, Ma. I want to cook." Pragya tells her.

"Okay." Sarala smiles at her as she caressed her cheek. then she leaves the kitchen.

Before starting to cook, Pragya takes her mobile and calls Abhi again.


Abhishek was very busy in a meeting, giving out instructions and blasting his employees every now and then when he hears his mobile ring. Irritated, he turns his attention to his phone and it flashes 'Pragya calling'. He cuts the call and turns his attention back to the meeting.

Couple of minutes later, he was in deep discussion when he hears his phone ring. In irritation he turns to cut the call when he notices the caller. Tanu Kapoor Calling.

He hesitates for a few seconds, then he answers the call.


"Hello, Abhishek... Tanu here." Tanu worriedly tells him.

"I know."

"Did you see the papers?" Tanu asks him worriedly.

Abhishek closes his eyes in irritation. He really had no time for this shit now. "I do read the newspaper."

"You've to do something, Abhishek. My phone has been ringing since morning."

"There is nothing I want to do, okay?" Abhishek tells her irately. "I am not going to give this any undue importance."

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