"Signora, vuole qualcosa da bere?"
(madam, would you like something to drink?) The woman's voice broke me out of my thoughts. I wouldn't admit it out loud but it's a good thing Romano insisted I learn italian or I would have been lost everytime someone spoke to me. I cleared my throat before answering.

"Un po' d'acqua sarebbe bello grazie"
(Some water would be nice thanks)

She nodded and excused herself politely as I continued to look around the place. The helper came back in no time with my glass of cold water which I thanked her for. She excused herself leaving me in the massive living room. I decided to roam a bit I had nothing to do otherwise.

I made my way outside because I surely would've gotten lost inside. I walked around the premises seeing workers and guards at every corner. They all played me no mind though surprisingly. I found myself standing at an exquisite garden. It was beautiful and the view beyond it was amazing as well. I stood admiring the different flowers as the wind blew onto my tan skin making me feel content in the moment.

 I stood admiring the different flowers as the wind blew onto my tan skin making me feel content in the moment

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"Bello non è vero" I heard a voice say from behind me. I instantly tensed up not recognizing the voice.
(Nice isn't it)

"Sì, lo è"
(Yes it is)

"Quasi bella come te"
(Almost as beautiful as you are)

I turned to catch the gaze of emerald green eyes. He stood at probably 6ft or so. He was handsome not Romano handsome but handsome nonetheless.

I wasn't sure how to respond to his compliment so I simply offered a gentle smile.

"Sono Stefano ." He introduced himself extending his hand for a shake.

"Kiara." I offered him my hand and he brought it to his lips placing a kiss on it. My eyes went wide on the gesture. Is he a mad man? He chuckled at my reaction but didn't speak on it.

"What brings an american girl all the way here?"He switched to english with a thick accent.

"I never told you that I was American." I raised a brow in suspicion.

"You aren't Italian I know that much." He shrugged.

"I am here on...business." I decided to say. I couldn't really think of why I was here to be honest. It was for a business meeting I apparently just wasn't apart of it. As soon as we got here Dario practically left me on my own so why did he need me here? Did he just want me on his hip like a trophy wife.. that wouldn't surprise me. Plus no matter how much time has passed I know he still doesn't trust me. He might've given me a little freedom to roam about the house and what not but he still likes to keep an eye on me. What better way to do that when he has to travel than to drag me along with him.

"Right." He chuckled lightly.

"Do you work here or something?" I asked but regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth. The guy is standing infront of me in an Armani suit and I had the heart to ask if he was a worker here. His suit probably cost more than all the salaries I've earned in my life combined.

"I'm sorry." I apologized if I offended him.

"It's cute when you're embarrassed." He smirked making me blush lightly.

"Do you like flowers?" He changed the subject, thankfully. I followed his gaze to the garden set before us.

"I once had a garden back home. I was alot younger then but I used to love to take care of the flowers. They should be treated as humans is what I was taught so I always treated them with love as I wanted to be treated." I answered him honestly as I thought back on the memory.

"Hm not to intrigue but based on your choice of words are you saying that you were not loved growing up?" He questioned.

"It's not the type of love a child should endure certainly." I mumbled.

We stood in an awkward silence before the ringing of his phone interrupted it.

"Sì" he answered as I focused ahead.

"Mi scuso ma sembra che io sia stato convocato."
(I apologize but it looks like I've been summoned.)

"Va bene. È stato un piacere conoscerti" I smiled.
(That's fine it was nice to meet you)

"The pleasure was all mine love."He said as he took my hand placing yet another gentle kiss on it letting his lips linger on it a little longer than I'd like.

Just then the clearing of a throat was heard behind us. I turned to see the man I met inside earlier glaring a Stefano. It was the calm and collected Dario that stood next to him with his hands casually in his pants pocket that had me feeling uncomfortable. Realizing what he was focused on I quickly pulled my hand away from Stefano's hold as though his touch burned my skin. It was then did Dario speak.

"I see you made yourself aquatinted with my wife Stefano."

"Never would I have thought you would find a gem like this but it surely does explain the dull to her eyes, poor thing looked lost." Stefano joked taking me back by his rude comment. I backed away from him certainly not feeling him anymore. Here I was thinking he was a nice guy look how quick he made me rid those thoughts.

Dario glanced at me before glarring at Stefano. With that I made my way to his side. He wasted no time in holding me by my waist next to him.

"Until tomorrow." He spoke now addressing the old man. He nodded to Dario before we left the premises.

"I-I have no idea what that was about." I said once we were approaching the vehicle. He said nothing in response so I spoke again.

"He caught me by surprise, I didn't expect him to grab my hand farless kiss it." I quickly added.

"Attiri il genere maschile senza provarci. Sono arrabbiato per questo fatto, non per te." He mumbled the last part almost as though he didn't want me to hear it but I did. We entered the car and I stayed silent the entire ride.

(You attract the male gender without even trying. I'm angry about this not at you.)

Please vote😮‍💨

40 votes in a day and I'll give y'all another update😌

Y'all understood where Kiara was coming from with the whole respect and cheating situation? Hope so, pls don't think she's jealous. Let's not get confused Lol.

Anyway what y'all thoughts? hope y'all liked the chapter!!💋

The DonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora