Chapter 20: Artie's True Feelings!

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Chapter 20: Artie's True Feelings!

*Artie's POV*

"So, what's it going to be, Arthur Pendragon? Are you gonna continue to walk away and go back to living the miserable life you once had back in Worcestershire Academy? Or are you gonna take your royal backside back to the theatre and rescue both Shrek and Willow before it's too late?"

I thought about everything Zero just told me.
I never knew Anna had gone through all of that all on her own.

So, the reason why she didn't want to tell me about the curse, or at least she wasn't planning to tell me straight away, was because she wanted me to prove that I could be someone aside from Zero and the others that she could trust.

Not only that, she wanted to find out if I liked her because she's a Princess, or for the person she truly is on the inside....

In other words, she's completely innocent in all of this!

It wasn't her fault she was cursed by Charming's mom....she had no choice!

She's a nerd just like me, and she was a victim of bullying just as much as I was.


I heard her sigh. "Idiots. They could have at least asked if he was okay before leaving him behind."

Is she genuinely being nice to me? Or is it some sort of trick to then hurt my feelings because I thought she was being nice, but turned out to be just like everyone else at school?

"I'm okay, you can go with them if you really want to." I said as I started sitting up while grunting a little in pain.

"Hm?" I looked up at the girl while I was sitting on the floor the same time she looked down at me and crouched down to poke the wooden target that I still wore. "You know, they should have given you proper armour like that jerk over there has. It's not fair. Does he does do this all the time?"

"Pretty much on a daily basis, but I'm able to put up with it because I'm used to it-wait...who are you? Is this some kind of trick for you to then pick on me and use your kindness against me?"

She shook her had. "No, this is me being a genuine human being. Plus, I've also had my fair share of being bullied at my old school too, so I know how you...feel..." She stopped talking as soon as we made eye contact.

I couldn't help but stare at this girls blue eyes. It's like I'm swimming freely in the ocean without a care in the world, and the water feels so warm, like the way she was looking at me right now.

Hold on...she said she knows how I feel because she was bullied, can a girl as cute and adorable as her be bullied?

*End of Flashback*

She was the very first person to have ever shown kindness to me, and actually took the time to ask if I was okay.

She even offered to heal me if I needed it, even though we barely knew each other then.


I reluctantly removed my hand from hers and spoke to her while I removed the wooden target over my head and placed it on the floor. "No, that's okay. I wouldn't blame you if you did, to be honest. Also, his name is Lancelot, the No.1 popular boy at the academy."

She snorted. "More like the No.1 jerk of the academy." She held her hand out for me to take. "Need a hand?"

I smiled and took it gratefully before getting up off the floor while grunting a little, then let go of her hand. "Thanks."

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