Chapter 05: Meeting The Legendary Arthur Pendragon!

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Chapter 05: Meeting The Legendary Arthur Pendragon!

*Willow's/Anastasia's POV*

We stood in front of the building with the word 'Worcestershire' on a wooden plaque above the door. Shrek, Zero, and Puss In Boots, who sat on Shrek's left shoulder, looked up at the plaque in thought while Donkey tried reading it out loud. "'Wor-ces-ters-shiree'? Now that sounds fancy!"

"It's Worcestershire." Shrek corrected him.

Donkey grinned. "Like the sauce? Mmm. It's spicy!"

Zero chuckled. "It's spelt the same, but don't go thinking the building is edible or anything just 'cause it's named after a sauce."

All of a sudden, the big wooden door opened and landed in front of us with a thud.

"Oh! They must be expecting us." Said Donkey.

I shook my head. "I doubt it. It's only been a day since we left Far, Far, Away. News wouldn't spread that quickly."

We started walking forward but jumped out of the way when we heard someone shout at us to move, and a couple of horses and a carriage that looked like an american school bus rode past us. The people inside screamed at the sight of Shrek before they disappeared.

I looked at Donkey and chuckled. "See? What did I tell you?"

"What in the shista-shire kind of place is this?" Donkey asked.

Shrek sighed. "Well, my stomach aches, and my palms just got sweaty. Must be a high school." He started walking away, leaving the three of us behind.

"High school?" Donkey asked in disbelief before running to catch up to Shrek.

I snorted. "It's a prison, that's what it is." I started following behind Shrek and walked next to Donkey and Zero.

Zero started laughing. "I would've gone with torture chamber, but that might be over stepping it a little."

There were a bunch of cheerleaders dressed in red and yellow uniform with red and yellow pom-poms and a long red and yellow pointed hat. "Ready?" They all jumped at the same time. "Okay!"

All the cheerleaders started doing some kind of cheer together. Must be either cheer practice, or there's a sports event going on. "Wherefore art thou headed, to the top? Yeah, we think so! We think so!"

They started doing cartwheels backwards. "And does thou thinkest thine can be stopped? Nay, we thinkst not! We thinkst not!"

A lot of people started paying attention to us as we made our way into the school. I squeaked and pulled my hat down to try and cover my face. The students gasped and pointed at us, or more like they pointed at Shrek and started moving out of our way in fear. One girl literally screamed at the top of her lungs and ran away.

"Alright, Mr. Percival, ease up on the reins." A teacher said to a student who was learning to ride a carriage. We watched while walking and cringed as he crashed them both into a wall.

A couple of guys opened the door wide open from the inside of a campervan and a lot of smoke came out of it. "For lo, bro. Don't burn all my frankincense and myrrh." I'm not even going to bother saying what it is they were doing.

Donkey shivered. "I'm already starting to feel nauseous from memories of wedgies and swirlies!"

Puss In Boots spun himself around on Shrek's shoulder and faced Donkey. "But how did you receive the wedgies when you are clearly not the wearer of the underpants?"

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