Chapter 17: Girl Power!

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Chapter 17: Girl Power!

*Alice's/Felicity's POV*

I've lost count how many minutes, seconds, and hours have passed since we've been locked away in the castle dungeon.

On the bright side, I'm not rotting in here alone!

I just wish Zero or Willow were also here to keep me company.

Snow White was walking up and down the cell we were in, ranting again. "Had we just stayed put like I suggested, we could be sipping tea out of little heart-shaped cups."

Cinderella laughed nervously while scrubbing the floor...why she still intends on doing that even though she doesn't actually have to do it, I'll probably never understand. "Yeah, ahaha, heart-shaped cups."

"And eating crumpets smothered with loganberries."

Cinderella nodded. "Yeah, loganberries."

Snow White stopped pacing and turned to Cinderella. "Shut up, Cindy."

"Yeah, shut up." Cinderella said. "No, you shut up."

I think being in here has really gotten to her because she started talking to herself. "Just stay out of this."

"Who cares who's 'running the kingdom,' anyway?" Snow White asked while using air quotations.

Fiona glared at her. "I care."

I nodded. "So do I."

"And you should all care, too." Aunt Lillian said.

We heard the rustling sound of a set of key's and the door open with a couple of familiar animals yelling in protest. "Ow! Hey, hey, hey!"

"I've got your badge number, tin can!" Donkey yelled in Puss In Boots' body, and Donkey, or should I say Puss In Boots, hissed....

"Donkey?" Fiona asked.

"Princess!" Donkey yelled.

Fiona looked at Donkey, or...well, Puss In Boots in surprise. "Puss?"

Puss In Boots stepped forward. "Lo siento, Princesa, but...I am Puss, stuck here inside this hideous body."

Donkey placed his paws on his chest. "And I'm me!"

Fiona looked confused. "But, you're..."

"I know, I know, everything's all fruity in the loops. But what happened is, we went to high school, the boat crashed, and we got bippity-boppity-booped by the magic man." Donkey explain.

Doris placed a hand over her heart. "Oh, you poor sweet things."

I raised an eyebrow. "You met Merlin?"

Cinderella leaned towards Snow White and whispered to her. "I don't get it."

Snow White pointed to Donkey and Puss In Boots. "The cat turned into a little horse that smells like feet. What's to get?"

Sleeping Beauty woke up all of a sudden, looking around. "Huh? Who dat?"

The door opened again, and someone else was thrown in. "Damn it! Have you guys ever learnt the word 'gentle' ever in your lives?"

I lifted my head up and saw Zero on the floor. My eyes went wide and I gasped. "Zero?"

Zero stood up and faced me with a look of surprise and relief. "Alice? Alice!" He lifted me up in the air and twirled me around, making me laugh. He placed me down on the ground and kissed me passionately on the lips, which of course, I didn't hesitate to return with just as much passion.

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