Chapter 09: Reunion!

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Chapter 09: Reunion!

*Zero's/Xavier's POV*

"Oh, nice going, your highness!" Shrek yelled sarcastically.

I inwardly groaned. This was getting just little annoying....almost to the point where I just want to bash their heads together.

Artie turned round to argue back at Shrek, making Willow stop walking and look between them. She kinda looks like a love-sick puppy.

I am so going to bring this up with her later! "Oh, so now it's 'your highness'? Whatever happened to 'loser'? Huh?"

I held my hand out for Shrek to take and pulled him up before he made his way over to Artie and pointed an accusing finger at him. "Hey! If you think this is getting you out of anything, well, it isn't."

I walked over Willow and whispered so only she could hear. "I think he's about to lose it..."

"We're heading back to Far, Far, Away one way or another, and you're gonna be a father!" Shrek yelled at Artie.

Willow whistled. "And he's lost it."

Artie looked confused. "What?"

Donkey cleared his throat, grabbing everyones attention. "You just said 'father'." I nodded in confirmation.

Shrek shook his head and faced Artie again. "I said 'King'! You're gonna be'King'!"

"'YoU'rE gOnNa Be KiNg!'" Artie mimicked Shrek. "Yeah right." He started walking away.  Willow started giggling. Donkey, Puss In Boots and I looked at her weirdly.

She held both of her hands up in defence. "What? I thought he made a good impression of Shrek. You guys can't say you didn't find that funny." Artie must really be something if he got her to giggle. She's never been one to act all girly around a guy before.

Shrek balled his fists in frustration. "And where do you think you're going?"

Artie continued to climb over the rocks without looking back. "Far, Far, Away...from you!"

"You get back here young man, and I mean it!" Shrek yelled as if he was scolding his own child. Kind of ironic actually, considering.

"Uh, boss?" Puss In Boots shook his head. "I don't think he's coming back. Maybe it's for the best. He's not exactly 'King' material."

Willow shook her head. "No, he is. He definitely is...or at least, he will be. He just needs that little nudge in the right direction."

Donkey took a step towards Shrek. "When were you planning on tellin' him that you were supposed to be King?"

Shrek turned to face Donkey. "Oh, come on. Now, why would I do that? Besides, he'll be ten times better at it than me."

Willow stepped forward. "Because maybe it's the right thing to do? I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick and tired of lying to him.
So, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to fly my royal highness over to him and finally tell him who I really am because I know that it's the right thing to do. What you say and do is completely up to you Shrek, but in case you guys have forgotten, I have just a couple of days left to enjoy life before.....Oh, you know what? Forget it."

She stepped away from us and placed a hand over her locket and closed her eyes.

🎶Far longer than forever
I'll hold you in my heart
It's almost like you're here with me
Although we're far apart🎶

Shrek The Third: The Would Be King & I [Book 3]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant