Chapter 06: Farewell Worcestershire Academy!

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Chapter 06: Farewell Worcestershire Academy!

*Willow's/Anastasia's POV*

"Oh, Arthur..." Shrek called out in a kind of sing-song voice. "...come out, come out, wherever you are!"

I hummed in thought. "Maybe he's in a lesson?"

We heard a slam of a locker which made us turn around, only to find Donkey slammed it open with bits of paper flying out of it. "Yeah, you better run, you little no-goodnicks!"

I snorted when he turned round because a note was attached to just his tail that read 'I Suck-eth'.

I feel like a bad friend for laughing, but Zero and the others were laughing too, so I guess it's okay to laugh about it...just a little. "'Cause the days of little Donkey Dumpy Drawers are over!" A couple of students laughed and ran over to a door and opened it, then entered a room before slamming the door shut.

Shrek raised an eyebrow at it curiously and motioned us to follow him. We walked towards it, but was stopped by a random student. "Uh, hold it."

Two students ran in front of us with weird costumes. "Uh, we're here for the mascot contest." The dude who stopped us pointed a thumb at the door behind him, signalling the two students to go in.

"Uh, we're here for the mascot contest, too." Shrek lied.

"This is a costume?" The dude started pulling on Shreks cheeks to see if he was actually wearing a costume, making him scream. "I....worked on it all night long."

The dude let go of Shreks cheeks and sighed. "Looks pretty real to me."

I smirked. If Shrek could pull off a lie like that, then it wouldn't hurt for me to play along. "That's because this guy and I-" I pointed to Zero. "-helped him make it, which is only fair that we see through our masterpiece with him."

Zero nodded. "Yeah, that's right. Puss, why don't you show this fine gentleman that our brilliant masterpiece may look real enough, but is completely fake."

"If he were real, then could I do this?" Puss In Boots got his claws out and stabbed the back of Shreks left leg, making him cry out in pain. "Ow!"

"Or this?" Donkey lifted his back legs up and kicked Shrek pretty hard in the stomach.

Shrek grunted in pain and bent down a little. He looked up at the student and pointed at him. "If it were real, that would have been agonisingly painful."

"Now, watch this!" Donkey was about to kick Shrek again, but Shrek held both Donkey and Puss In Boots back so they wouldn't try to hurt him again. "That's quite enough, boys."

The dude sighed and gave in. "All right, I'll give you the signal for when you should enter."

We could hear someone speak through a megaphone from behind the doors. "Thank you to Professor Primbottom and his invigorating lecture on how to just say 'nay'. And now, without further ado, let's give a warm Worcestershire hoozar to the winner of our new mascot contest, the-"

Shrek pulled the doors wide open with the four of us walking behind him. As soon as we entered the room, everyone gasped.

"-ogre?" The guy with the megaphone asked in shock. The two students with the weird costumes who entered before us threw their masks down and walked away.

"That's right!" Shrek yelled. "I'm the new mascot, so let's really try and...beat the other guys at...whatever it is they're doing!" All the students in the gym started cheering and the schools marching band started playing a random tune.

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