Day 19: Lovely Favors & Sweet Human Flavors

Start from the beginning

"Does it sting?" she looked at the wound intently.

"Not.. really" Jay said slowly.

"It's scraped up pretty bad" she wobbled on her toes slightly.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, I just have a thing about blood... I can take care of it at my home," she offered, "a scrape like that deserves immediate medical care.  Or maybe, I'm just trying to get you alone so I can murder you" she giggled at his dumbfounded expression.  "Is that what you're thinking right now?"

"Ha," Jay laughed nervously, "no, not really my main concern." I'm the Blue Ninja, you have no idea how much I'm not concerned about that.  Not even the serpentine generals could put me down.

"Look at me, I couldn't hurt you if I wanted to" she made a show of flexing her arms.  "I have the upper body strength of a ten year old.  Unless I happened to have some kind of weapon on me, but I don't.  But feel free to pat me down and find out for yourself" she added flirtatiously.

"Uh- I don't- y-uh, you-you live around here, you mentioned?" Jay finally managed a full sentence, evading her last comment.

"I live in a trailer, I guess you could call it, not far from here.  Come on."


"You didn't answer my question, you know" the mysterious woman broke the silence as she led Jay through the woods.

"What question is that?"

"Why you're out here."

"I'm on a jog, I did answer that question."

"Yes, but why you're going out this late. People only go on a job this late at night for one of three reasons.  One, they're unhappy with their body.  I can't imagine that being you" she turned to eye him up and down.  "Two, they need fresh air to clear their heads, or three, they just really enjoy exercise."

"Ah, two, then.  I had a lot on my mind."

"Did you, then? Clear your head?"

"Eh, not really."

"I guess that's my fault, I interrupted you.  Feel free to continue your run now if you want."

"Hmm.. I'm good, too tired now" Jay came up with an excuse to keep walking with her.

"Come on, now, all you need is a surge of adrenaline.  You know, I could always give you something to run from..."

"What, you?"  Jay's brain finally allowed him a modicum of confidence.

"What, I'm not scary enough?  Hmm.  If you won't run from me, how about to me?"

"You wanna play tag all of the sudden?  Alright, why not then..."  Jay agreed, confused by her change in attitude.

"You're it" she whispered in his ear.  He whirled around to tag her back.  "Ah - not so fast.  You've gotta count to three.  Now.. close your eyes" she whispered in his other ear.

Jay complied and counted to three.  He started off in one direction but turned as her voice sounded out from the trees.

"Over here!"

"Nope, too slow" her voice came from behind him now, opposite of where the had been.

"How.." Jay spun around.

"Now, where could I be?" her voice from a third direction.  

"I bet you're wondering-" he could hear her in another place again .

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