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The others are looking at Davina's marred hand as she drinks from her takeaway coffee.

"You okay?"

"I can feel it spreading. But I was thinking, what if Maia's right?"

Luke walks out of the container.

"She's not. You need to find Madzie" He says.

Simon walks out as well.

"No problem. We'll take the van" Simon says.

Simon, Thomas, and Jace get ready to leave as the two girls stay with Luke.

"Luke?" Clary asks.

"I gotta stay here. If Maia told the rest of the wolves what that Sword is capable of, both of you are in danger" Luke says.

"But, Luke-"

"No time to argue. Word travels fast. I'll catch up after I stop the Downworld from coming after you"

Clary gives a smile and gives Luke a tight hug.

"I'll see you soon, kiddo," Luke says to Clary before turning to Davina. "You be careful okay?"

"Okay," Davina says and Luke pulls her in for a hug.

Davina goes to the van, followed by Jace, Thomas, Clary, and Simon. Luke calls after the boys.

"Hey. If anything happens to them-"

"It won't. Trust me, I'll protect them" Jace says.

"We'll protect them"

Thomas and Davina stay in the van as Jace, Clary, and Simon head out to find some clues on Madzie.

"Where's your jacket?" Davina asks and Jace glares at Simon.

Simon is driving, Thomas in the passenger seats, Davina, Jace, and Clary are sitting in the back. Davina was curled up into Jace's side, staring at her phone.

"Keep heading north. The signal's faint, but we can still track her" Jace says.

"Don't sound too excited," Simon says.

"It's too easy"

"It wasn't easy. That jacket's at least two sizes small on that guy. I'm just a great salesman"

"Valentine's too smart to have not thought about blocking the signal. If we can track Madzie, it's because he wants us to. We'll be walking into a trap"

"What are you suggesting? That we don't find Madzie?"

"That's not what I'm saying"

"Simon's right. Trap or no trap, the scarf is our only option. I can't let Valentine activate the Soul-Sword, either. So whatever happens, you can't let him take us alive" Clary says.

"Uh- Clary, Vee, you're kind of freaking me out"

"Trust me, I've thought about it and Maia was right," Davina says. "Clary and I were talking about it"

"What are- What are you talking about?"

"We would rather die than let Valentine destroy the Downworld. I need you to promise me. If Valentine ever gets to us-" Davina says.

"No. Absolutely not"

"We promise," Jace says, glancing to Thomas who nods.

Clary, Davina, and Simon look at Jace and Thomas. Jace looks at Davina who smiles at him.

"If it ever comes to that, I won't let him take you alive," Jace says.

Simon stops the van. He and Jace get out.

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