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The corridor was only lit with the dim light of the torches. The warm orange light was a stark contrast to the chill that travelled down Davina's spine as she journeyed through the maze of corridors.

The door in front of her was sealed shut before Delilah places her hand on an onyx black stone. A rune lights up in her peripheral vision as the door creaks open, and a breeze brushes through her hair as she steps through the door which slams closed behind her.

"What is your business here shadowhunter?" A voice fills Davina's mind causing her to jump nearly a foot in the air.

"I'm here to see Jace Morgenstern," Davina replies and Brother Enoch nods before he leads her to the cells.

Davina shivers as the feeling she had begun to familiarise herself with washes over her.

"You can feel the death, can't you?" Enoch asks.

"It's everywhere," Davina whispers.

"Get me out of here! Please-"

Davina is quick to step back when a man's hand reaches out and brushes against her leg.

"Pay no heed to their desperation. They all deserve to be here. Infractions against the Clave do not go unpunished," Enoch says and Davina nods.

They stop in front of another cell. The familiar mop of blonde hair fills Davina's vision as the sound of her heeled boots clicking against the floor causes the man to look up.


"You shouldn't have come here," Jace doesn't exchange pleasantries with the girl before he turns to Enoch. "Take her out"

"No. I'm not going anywhere unless I know you're gonna be okay," Davina says and Jace rests a hand on her face.

"Is Alec safe? Is he all right?"

"He's fine. Jace, I feel terrible. You're here because of me. If I hadn't-"

"You're not what put me here, 'Vina. I have to pay for my actions"

"Not by yourself. What can I do to help? Please, tell me. I will do anything" Davina says.

Jace retracts his hand from Davina's face as a pained look fills his eyes as the next sentence falls from his lips.

"You can stay away from me"


"No matter what happens, never come near me again," Jace says.

"Jace, what are you talking about? I love you,"

"I am Valentine's weapon. Do you think he's just gonna let me go? He knows that you- You're my weakness. If I ever get out of here, he'll come after you again" Jace says.

"Let him. I'm not afraid. We'll fight him off together," Davina says.

"There is no together for you and me, Davina. There never can be,"


"We're done here. I want nothing else to do with you," Jace says.

"I hate you," Davina says. "I hate you so much. But you know what I do hate, that no matter what that I'll never stop loving you and I know you love me"

"Come on Miss Fae," Enoch says and Davina nods.

"Goodbye, 'Vina"

Jace retreats into the shadows of his cell as Davina casts him one last look before walking away, slamming the door to the cells harshly.

Davina walks into the Institute and is ambushed by Alec who starts firing questions at her.

"How is he?"

"He's okay," Davina says.

"So what's wrong?"

"He broke it off with me," Davina sighs and Alec wastes no time pulling the girl into his embrace.

"Alright, we've got a demon attack to investigate but then I say we get some ice cream"

"Okay" Davina sniffles, quickly wiping her eyes.

Luke approaches the crime scene: he walks through the glamour and he sees Isabelle and Davina crouched next to the body.

"Well, this is one nasty demon. Punched the hole right through his chest"

"Looks like he took the heart with him," Davina says.

"With that kind of strength, I doubt it's done yet," Luke says.

"Nothing in the immediate area," Alec says.

"We're taking the body back to the Institute. I'll run some tests to see what kind of demon we're dealing with"

"Clary and I will widen the perimeter. Hey, Fray! We got a demon to hunt. Come on"

The orange-haired young woman in question is quick to hurry over to Alec before they begin to circle the block looking for any trace of the demon.

Davina and Isabelle load the body onto a gurney before walking through the portal Magnus had created for them.

Lydia is quick to accompany them as they lead the body towards the lift, their intended destination being the morgue.

"Call me as soon as you identify what kind of demon we're looking for," Lydia instructs the pair who nod. "Until Victor comes back from the trial, I'm running point on this one"

"Lydia- Have you heard anything about Jace?" Isabelle asks causing the woman to stop and turn back to the pair.

"I know you're worried, but I'm still waiting, just like you," Lydia says.

"We broke up," Davina says and they both gape at her. "Nope, don't want to talk about it"

"Except I'm the one who put him there. If I didn't make that deal with Aldertree-" Isabelle says.

"Jace would've been torn apart by wolves, and Alec would be dead. You did what you had to do" Lydia says.

"I agree with you," Davina says. "At least he's not dead"

Raj points to the guy on the gurney.

"Wow, that guy's heart is obliterated. And I thought I was having a rough weekend"

"Show some respect for the dead" Lydia scoffs.

"I'm just saying, I've been in his shoes before. Except my demon's name was Kathy," Raj says.

"You know, you might wanna cut back on the smartass after getting manhandled by a warlock. Let me know if you find anything" Lydia says.

Lydia walks away and Raj scoffs, turning to the two females in front of him.

"Wow, who died and made her queen?" Raj says.

"You keep shooting your mouth off, you're gonna end up like that corpse," Davina says.

A cloud of black smoke leaves the corpse and goes into a pipe. Davina turns and stares at the pipe in confusion before shrugging.

"Damn" Thomas whistles looking at the body. "That's some angry demon"

 "That's some angry demon"

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