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Davina storms into the Institute, a face of thunder and Shadowhunters step out of her way not wanting to be in the line of fire.

"Where's Jackson Branwell?" Davina asks.

"He's on his way back from a field mission" A Shadowhunter, Lauren, says.

"When he comes back tell him I'm waiting in his office," Davina says, slamming the door behind her.

"Lauren told me you were here"

"Yes, something strange has happened," Davina says. "I met an angel. Not just any angel, the angel Ithuriel"

"You met Ithuriel?"

"Then I discovered I could communicate with him," Davina says. "I wonder how that is possible"

"That's amazing," Jackson says. "I must write to the Clave"

"So then, I was wondering," Davina says. "How, knowing nothing about me, would you instantly assume that I had extra angel blood? Then I thought, Valentine experimented on Jace with demon blood, probably experimented on Clary with angel blood-"

"I'm not sure where you're going with this" Jackson says nervously.

"Well, my mind came to two conclusions," Davina says. "Either, you did experiments of your own but then I wondered how you came in the availability of angel blood which isn't a common substance. Not only that but the same angel that Valentine used with Clary is the one whose blood I have extra of. Funny coincidence, no?"

"Yeah, very strange"

"So then my brain came to another conclusion," Davina says. "You worked or still work with Valentine"

"Get out"

"You have two hours," Davina says. "To pack your belongings and get out of my life or I'll go to the Clave and tell them what they need to know. You're my father so I'll grant you this small mercy"

Davina gets off Jackson's desk and leaves.

It's Max's rune ceremony with Maryse, Silent Brothers, Jace, Alec, Izzy, Thomas, Davina, and Clary.

"To the Angel, I entrust my life and vow to uphold the laws of heaven. I take this mark to honour Him. To bring His light into me. And vow to uphold the laws of heaven. So I may join the ranks of the Shadowhunters, the guardians of peace"

Max lifts his sleeve and a Silent Brother gives him the rune of the Angel. After the ceremony is over, Jace and Thomas go over to Clary and Davina.

"Hey, you should both know-" Thomas says.

"Valentine's coming for us, isn't he?"

"Which means we're never letting you out of our sight"

The four Shadowhunters approach Alec.

"The ceremony was beautiful," Clary says.

"Yeah, Max did great, huh?"

"Didn't even flinch," Alec says.

"Give me a minute"

Jace leaves Alec, Thomas, Davina, and Clary to go talk to Maryse.

"Alec, whatever you heard me say when you were under the spell, you have to know, I don't blame you for Jocelyn"

"I don't either," Clary says.

Alec gives a weak smile. He touches Clary's shoulder for a second.

"My dad worked with Valentine before we were born," Davina whispers to Clary. "I think he's still working with him"

"How do you know?"

"I worked it out," Davina says. "I told him that he had two hours to get out of my life"


"I already sent the fire message," Davina says. "The Clave said they would be here as he leaves"

"Did you tell them-"

"No," Davina says. "I'm not stupid. I said I had a belief that he was involved with Valentine when he seemed to always find ways into the Institute with demons and my father would have had information about the Institute before the demon attack"

Davina and Clary stand in the corner of the Ops centre as Jackson walks out of his room with bags. A portal opens and Clave members flood out.

"Jackson Branwell, you are under arrest on the belief of being in cohorts with Valentine Morgenstern and the Circle"

"You-" Jackson lunges forward but Jace, Alec, and Thomas are instantly there to separate an angry father and the smirking daughter. "You lied"

"And you were stupid enough to believe that I wouldn't turn you in," Davina says.

The Clave members pull Jackson away and an official walks up.

"Thank you, Miss Rollins"

"No problem," Davina says.

"How did you work it out?" Jace asks.

"It was just all too coincidental," Davina says. "I had all the pieces all put together but I needed to see the puzzle from a different angle"

"I never would have even suspected," Maryse says. "Well done Davina"

 "Well done Davina"

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