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Everyone is arguing as Thomas stays crouched by Alec.

"What did you say to my son? You don't think that Alec feels guilty enough-" Maryse says to Davina.

"I didn't say anything" Davina scoffs.

"You talked to Clary, didn't you? That's why she's acting all weird"

Magnus is going through the book as everyone argues.

"Listen, I did nothing," Jace says.

"You bring him up here-"

"I did not bring him up here, I followed him. If I hadn't he'd be dead!"

Everyone is arguing loudly. Magnus has found a spell and starts speaking French. He picks up a ball of magic out of the air, and suddenly everyone is silent.

"Mom-" Jace looks at Maryse.


"Um, what's going on?" Simon asks.

"Simon, I am so sorry"

"You okay?" Jace asks Maryse.

"I'm fine"

"I know you didn't kiss Maia"

"You thought I kissed Maia? What happened here?" Simon asks.

"It seems a warlock has been having a little fun at our expense," Magnus says.

"Is he okay?" Maryse asks.

Alec opens his eyes.

"What happened?" Simon asks.

"Alec-" Davina says.

Magnus closes his spellbook and suddenly it is gone.

"Someone has taken my spellbook," Magnus says.

Magnus puts up his wards immediately.

"You're putting your wards up?" Davina asks.

"Nobody leaves until I get it back"

The guests that have been scanned by Magnus leave. The place is almost empty. Magnus is now scanning Raj using his magic.

"I was this close to lining up a three-way, and you guys let yourselves get spelled?" Raj asks.

"Pig," Davina says.

The scan is done and Alec pushes Raj out of the door.

"Is he the last one?" Jace asks.

"It appears I'm the only warlock here," Magnus says.

Magnus lets his wards down.

"Magnus, what happens if we don't find your spellbook?" Davina asks.

"That's not an option you wanna explore. That book can undo every spell I've ever cast. From the elementary to the complex. In new and old languages- Champenois. It's an old French dialect. The red-haired cat"

Magnus puts his wards back up. Magnus goes into the guest room, looking around. Everyone follows him.

"Magnus, what cat?" Alec asks.

Magnus gestures to everyone to be silent and to look around. Magnus sees a lump under the duvet. Jace nods and he pulls the duvet back, revealing the red-haired cat. Magnus blasts some magic while the cat runs away and the cat turns into warlock Iris.


Everyone freezes, except for Magnus who blocks the spell, and Davina who ducks Iris' blasts.

"I hate party crashers"

Magnus blasts magic at Iris, throwing her against a bookcase.

They continue fighting throwing balls of magic at each other. Then Magnus holds Iris with his magic and lifts her.

"Stay behind me Davina," Magnus says. "You haven't changed one bit since the last time I saw you crawling from the ruins of La Bastille. Old French spells. Your favourite. Where are my counterspells?"

"Valentine. He has Madzie, too. If I don't go back, I don't know what he'll do to her" Iris says.

"What does Valentine want with my counterspells?"

"I don't know. I don't know! All- all he said was that I had to get them for him. And I wasn't to harm Clary or Davina, or he'd make Madzie suffer. Magnus, please. I'm all Madzie has. Have mercy"

"After everything you've done? Release them" Magnus says.

Iris does so and everyone else comes walking out to the living room.

"Davina Fae, you made a blood oath. Find Madzie"

Magnus then sends Iris away in a Portal.

"She's the Clave's problem now," Magnus says.

"Okay, what is Valentine up to anyway?" Alec asks.

"I don't know"

Clary and Davina look at each other before looking at Thomas and Jace who shake their heads.

"It's too dangerous"

"Jace, they're our family. They need to know" Davina says, placing a hand on his arm.

"I think she's right," Thomas says.

"Know what?" Isabelle asks.

"The Angel Ithuriel. Valentine was going to use him to activate the Soul-Sword. He needs someone with pure angel blood to activate it" Clary says.

"Well, that doesn't sound good," Simon says.

"It's not. With the Soul-Sword activated, Valentine could decimate the entire Downworld. The Angel showed us a vision of a demon who could destroy the Sword. If we could find that demon, we could stop Valentine"

"How did you four save the Angel?" Magnus asks.

Jace shakes his head to Clary, but she tells everyone anyway.

"With runes, the Angel gave to me and the powers he gave to Vee"

"New runes, Magnus. Ones no one's ever seen before" Jace says.

"Why did he choose you two?"

"We have no idea," Davina says.

"I might. Years ago, a Silent Brother told me about a special connection the original Shadowhunters had with the Angel Raziel. That they could communicate from afar through... visions. Because they were created from his blood"

"Are you saying that-"

"Clary and Davina may have a blood connection to that Angel. And that must mean they have pure Angel blood"

"That's why Valentine wants Clary and Davina unharmed. They can activate the Soul-Sword"

"Wait," Davina says. "Does that mean Clary and I have blood from the same angel?"

"Yes," Magnus says and Davina's eyes widen and she's out of the door before anyone has time to react.

"Davina?" Magnus calls but the strawberry blonde was long gone.

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