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"During the attack on the City of Bones," Aldertree says. "Jace Wayland fought bravely, and thus the Clave, in their wisdom, has exonerated him from all crimes. And the chief physician in Idris reports that Lydia Branwell's condition continues to improve"

"Out of the infirmary in record time. You're looking good" Jace says.

"I always look good. Why isn't Alec here?" Isabelle asks.

"He needs some space"

"We face a new threat. Valentine has the Mortal Cup and now possesses the Soul-Sword, two of the three Mortal Instruments. Our mission now is to find out what he plans to do with them, and when"

"You okay?" Isabelle asks.

"I'm fine. But apparently, no one else is, judging by the way they're all looking at me"

Davina turns to glare at a female Shadowhunter who was whispering.

"Sweetheart, I would suggest shutting up," Davina says and the woman turns red before looking back to Aldertree.

"Jace, I'm sorry for letting them take you to the City of Bones. I thought-" Isabelle says.

"It's all good, Izzy. You saved Alec's life and mine. I would've done the same thing"

"Tomorrow night's rite of passage will bring the total number of dead to 26 fallen Silent Brothers and three Shadowhunters. Take this time to grieve and plan for what lies ahead. Your orders will follow"

Everyone spreads out. Isabelle groans and grabs her shoulder.

"Your shoulder still hurts, huh?"

"A little stiff. Uh, don't worry about me. Keep an eye on Clary" Isabelle says.

"Vee!" Clary rushes over. "I need your help with something, come on"

Clary knocks on the front door of a building. A woman, who Davina assumes to be Iris, opens the door.

"Look at this. Two Shadowhunters on my doorstep. Oh, let me guess. You're heartbroken and you want some fabulous boy to love you again"

"Can you raise my mother from the dead? She just died, and she-" Clary says and Davina rubs her arm.

"Oh, God, you poor child"

She steps out of the house and hugs Clary before glancing at Davina giving her a soft smile.

"Oh. I am so sorry. For your loss. And also for my big mouth. I- How recently did she pass?"

"Two days ago. I know this is considered dark magic, but-"

"'Dark magic' is a term used by warlocks who are afraid of their own powers. For someone like me who can harness those powers, all magic is equal" Iris says.

"So it's possible? Bringing the dead back to life?" Davina asks and Iris tilts her head as if analysing Davina.

"Skeptical little banshee huh?"

Iris gives a little smile and looks past the two girls. Clary and Davina turn around. Iris points to a bird on the ground.

"Poor thing flew straight into that window this morning. He smacked it so hard, we heard it from upstairs. Must have died instantly"

Clary looks at the window and nudges Davina. A little girl is watching from behind the glass. Iris has picked up a feather and starts speaking Latin. The bird on the ground turns to dust and now appears alive on Iris' hand. The crow flies off, cawing.

"So to answer your question yes. It is very much possible"

Iris has let Clary and Davina inside.

"I have never seen a doctor's office like this. Do you live here, too?" Clary asks.

"It's homely," Davina says.

"Why thank you," Iris says

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"Why thank you," Iris says. "And, yes. Upstairs. On the third floor. The second floor is reserved for my warlock practice. And down here is where I try to prolong the precious lives of the mundanes. Keeps a gal busy"

The little girl from earlier goes to Iris.

"Hey, there. What's your name?" Davina asks.

"This is Madzie"

"Hi, Madzie" Clary says.

"Honey, why don't you go ask Leigh to give you a cookie? You tell her I said it was okay" Iris says.

Madzie nods and walks off.

"She's my goddaughter. Smarter than a whip, just doesn't speak much. Anyway, enough about me. Let's talk about you. So, I'll need something of your mother's. A lock of hair, fingernails-"

"Yeah, sure. I can do that"

"Wonderful. And then, of course, there is the matter of my fee. Now, I know you don't have a lot of money, and, sadly, this is not something that insurance will cover. But I like you two. So, I'll tell you what. I'll bring your mother back, and, as payment, you and your friend can owe me a favour"

"Uh, what kind of favour?"

"Oh, who can say? Right now, you need a warlock. And every so often, I need a Shadowhunter. When that time will come, I'm not so sure. But when it does, I'll call on you. How about that?"

"Okay, deal," Davina says.



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