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Davina grabs a jacket from her room before she sneaks to the weapons room. Her fingers trace the blades as she tries to decide on her weapon of choice.

"What are you doing?"

"Lydia!" Davina nearly jumps out of her skin.

"I'll ask again what are you doing?"

"Um, inventory?"

"Not your job"

"Fine, I'm going out," Davina says. "I need to find Thomas, he saved my life and Valentine will be after him. And I also need to find-"



"Well, I'm not head of the Institute," Lydia says. "So I won't get in your way, but-"

Lydia reached for a Seraph blade from the nearby table and handed it over to Davina, who took a closer look at the intricate design on the handle. The handle was adorned with beautifully engraved leaves and flowers, which gave the blade a distinct elegance and charm.

"Jace and I had this crafted for you," Lydia says. "When I arrived at the Institute I spoke to Jace and we had this designed"

"It's beautiful," Davina says.

"You need to go now," Lydia says. "I'll distract Aldertree"

Davina nods and runs towards the backdoor.

"Hey!" Raj shouts.

Lydia sticks her leg out and Raj falls to the ground and Davina is gone before Raj can scramble to his feet.

Davina traces her glamour rune before running through the streets of Brooklyn. She's distracted by a crash and a familiar blonde figure is launched out of the window of Hunter's Moon followed by a brunette.

"Well that's saved me a lot of time," Davina says.

Jace is making his way through an alley with an unglamoured Davina and Thomas. The blonde looked as though he'd been to hell and back.

"You can't hide your scent, Shadowhunters" A voice calls.

The werewolf is coming after them and they begin to move quicker, trying to get away from the angry werewolf. They make it out of the alley and Thomas throws a trashcan on the ground. The loss of support causes Davina to stumble and she and Jace fall by a fence. A man comes up to him.

"You okay? Are you okay? Miss, what happened?"

The werewolf watches as more people approach Jace and Davina and try to help them.

"A woman with a knife got the jump on us," Davina says, discreetly slipping one of her rings onto her ring finger. "We've just celebrated getting engaged and she threatened me and him, being the heroic idiot he is, jumped in the way"

"I'm calling 911," The man says.

"No. No, don't. Please"

"Don't worry, pal. You're gonna be okay. Yeah, hi, I need an ambulance. This guy's bleeding really bad. I'm at the Union Street station, Subway entrance. His fiancee said a woman got the jump on them, she trying to mug her ring but they managed to get away"

Jace falls unconscious and Davina looks at the man.

"Tell them to hurry!" Davina says.

An unconscious Jace is being brought in on a gurney as Davina follows alongside.

"Room four, stat!"

Jace is suddenly conscious.

"I'm okay," Jace says.

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