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Jace, Davina, and Thomas come into the container where Simon stays. Clary and Simon take off Simon's shirt. They laugh and start kissing again. Jace looks up and just then, Clary throws Simon's shirt down, hitting Jace causing Davina to chuckle. Jace walks over to some ship horns and blows one. Surprised, Clary and Simon both look over the edge of the canoe.

"Jace, Tom, Vee. Hey"

"What the hell are you doing? I- You know what? Don't answer that" Thomas says.

Simon lets Clary by so she can get out of the canoe.

"Here you go"

They both jump down from the canoe.

"Guys, it's okay. I'm safe here" Clary says.

Jace picks up Simon's shirt from the ground and throws it at Simon.

"Until Valentine stops hunting you, the only place you're safe is the Institute," Jace says. "You and Vee"

"Really? I'm not sure you actually know how hiding works. The whole point is to, um, not be where everyone thinks you are. Trust me, I'm kind of an expert" Simon says.

"For an expert, you were pretty easy to find. Just be thankful we got to you before the Circle did" Thomas says.

"I'm not afraid of them. I've been working on my fighting skills" Simon says.

"Oh, really? You wanna take this outside and give these fight skills a test run?" Jace asks and Thomas laughs.

"Anytime. As soon as the sun goes down" Simon says.

"Guys, I can handle my-" Clary is cut off by Davina's exclamation of pain.

"OW!" Davina looks at her hand in horror.

Davina's skin had started to burn and everyone rushes over to inspect Davina's hand.

"What the hell?" Davina asks.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know"

"What is that?" Simon asks as Davina groans.

Davina's hand is slowly turning black from the burn.

The front door opens. Clary, Thomas, Davina, and Jace rush in. Magnus rolls his eyes when he sees it's them. He and Alec go inside.

"Don't you people have phones?" Magnus asks.

"We need your help"

Magnus looks at Davina's hand and suddenly the look on his face is serious.

Magnus is using his magic on Davina's hand but it's not working. Jace is sitting next to Davina, holding her unaffected hand.

"La Chair Brûlée"

"I'm guessing that's not a dessert" Davina jokes weakly with a small smile.

"I'm guessing that's not a dessert" Davina jokes weakly with a small smile

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"It means "the burnt flesh". It's an old blood oath spell"

"Then it must be Iris. She said you both owed her a favour" Alec says.

"At Max's party, she said we have to find Madzie," Clary says.

"Then we better start looking. I can get rid of the pain, but that's about it. I'm afraid once the magic reaches your heart-"

Magnus shakes his head.

"So if I don't find Madzie- I'm dead," Davina says.

"No- no. Magnus, there has to be a cure. There has to be something we can do to stop this" Jace says as Davina winces when Magnus moves her hand.

"Can't we force Iris to undo it?"

"I wish it were that easy. But blood oath spells are completely binding. Even Iris herself can't reverse it now" Magnus says.

"We should probably tell Luke," Clary says.

Luke is examining Davina's hand with a mournful expression.

"I don't know what to say. I was so selfish, hiding in the woods like that. You would have never gone to Iris if-"

"Luke, this has nothing to do with you. You always told me to read the fine print. Well, I guess, uh, now I know why" Davina says. "At least it's not Clary"

Jace approaches them and they all look at him.

"Magnus find anything?"

"No. Iris' brownstone was wiped clean, but Alec just got a report from the Clave. According to Iris, Madzie was abducted from Brady Park" Jace says.

"All right, we'll start there. I'll round up some wolves and see if we can get a scent" Luke says.

"Great. Hey, Clary. Where are you going?"

"To get Simon. If we're gonna be searching all night, we can use his skills"

"What skills?" Thomas scoffs and Davina nudges him.

"I don't know- night vision"

"There's a rune for that"

"Too bad. He's coming. We need him" Davina says, glaring at Thomas. "I'll get him C"

Davina walks up to the container and knocks before she slides open the door.

"Are you awake in there? Incoming sunlight" Davina says. "Si?"

Davina hears a wolf growling. She turns around and sees a wolf approaching her. The wolf jumps at her. Davina takes a metal lid from a bin to defend herself. Hearing the noises, Simon runs up to the door.


The wolf pushes the lid away and gets ready to attack again. Simon looks around for a weapon and gives Davina a paddle. His hand burns in the sun when he gives it to her.


The wolf bites in the paddle. Davina kicks the wolf away. Jace, Thomas, and Clary come out of the Jade Wolf and hear the noises. Davina stands up, ready to swing the paddle at the wolf.

"Back off!" Davina says.

Davina hits the wolf and throws it over some bins when it comes at her again.

"Nice form," Jace says.

"I learned from the best"

Behind the bins, the wolf starts transforming into a human and Jace stands protectively in front of Davina.

"Show yourself!"

"By order of the Clave," Thomas adds.

Maia appears from behind the bins, naked. Everyone, especially Simon, is shocked to see it's her.

 Everyone, especially Simon, is shocked to see it's her

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