Losing you

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~mostly angst and fluff~

Draco stood anxiously in line, waiting as long as he could until it was his turn to face the boggart. He obviously didn't want the whole class to see his biggest fear, especially the Gryffindorks. He did a lot to not let his emotions show, and he really wanted to keep it that way. He knew what his boggart would be, and it was the last thing he wanted anyone to see

He heard his name being called by the professor, and very slowly creeped closer to the dark wood closet it was kept in. It almost seemed to be making him, and the doors seemed to be begging to release the darkness held inside. 

With a flick of a wand, the doors were open, and out poured a black misty smoke. It circled under Draco's feet and around his ankles before drawing away and drawing upwards. His breath hitched when it formed a human, one that he knew all to well.

A darkened Harry Potter stood in front of him, his eyes darker green then was real and his expression written as pure power. Boggart Harry stepped closer, a smirk crawling across his face. Draco tried to back away in fear, causing himself to trip over his own feet and stumble backwards.

"Your worthless Draco." Harry hissed. "Worthless, stupid, and unloveable." The words hit him like a brick wall. Some part of him knew it was just a boggart, the other part believed every word. "I don't deserve you, filthy Death Eater scum. You should just go and die already, you good for nothing piece of shit. You know why i'm dating you, because I pity you, you and your horrible life. You have no family, you have no friends, you have no one. I took pity on a worthless fuck like you, my mistake." By now there was a river of tears streaming down Draco's face while Harry continued. "I should have never dated you, I never wanted to..."

The noise was drowned out by a buzzing in Draco's ears as his eyes blurred, trying to focus on one little nail in the wooden floor that seemed to be moving. He could hear the bogarts voice still, as well as everyone else whispering around him. He fell back on the floor, his head falling into his hands as his body shook in sobs.

He faintly herd a whisper of a wand and the closet doors being closed, and an uncomfortable hand resting on his shoulder. He shrugged it off and continued to cry nonstop.

It wasn't for another minute or two until he felt a familiar pair of arms around him, with he melted into them. He curled himself up against the real Harry's chest, grabbing onto hi shirt with fists because he was terrified that if he let go that the boggart Harry would be real.

After a few moments, Draco's breathing even out and he calmed down. He lifted his head to see Harry already looking down at him. He gave him a weak smile and put his head on the raven haired boys shoulder.

"I'm sorry Harry, I didn't mean to scare you or anything. Hell, this boggart thing is so-"

"Your biggest fear is losing me?" Harry interrupted, his voice at a whisper, even though no one else was in the room anymore.

"Yeah, Harry. My biggest fear is losing you." Draco sighed, lifting his head and cupping Harry's cheeks so he could look at the beautiful emerald eyes he loved more than anything.

Harry's face broke out into a goofy grin. "Want to know what mine is?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. When Draco nodded, he continued. "My biggest fear, is losing us."


I know this ones short but I don't have the mental capacity to write anything longer at the moment and I felt like I needed to post something. I literally have like 6 started one shots that now I don't want to finish someone help me 😭

Drarry one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora