Yours Forever

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~TW- mentions of self harm and suicide, sad/angst~

Harry stood on the tiny ledge outside of the railing, his hands holding the metal bars behind him as his only support. Painful heavy tears were streaming out of his eyes, and his vision was blurred as he stared out at the darkness of the night. All he could think about was how ready he was to die, for everything to be over.

Harry had run out of options, and it seemed the only way out of his miserable life was death. Of course he was scared of it, he would never be fully ready to die, it wasn't something anyone could really prepare for because no one knew how it felt. But in the moment, his depression took over and he wanted to jump.

He subconsciously reached down to his left arm, feeling the scars that littered his skin. 

No one loved him. Ron had stopped talking to him after he had come out, and Hermionie did too by default. The conversation still rung in his ears, gay slurs being thrown out and even a slap on the face. Hermionie had come and talked to me after, but it was awkward and neither of us said much.

He and Ginny had broken up, although it was never really addressed. Harry had stopped talking to everyone, so Ginny probably assumed that they were broken up, when really, all Harry needed was for someone to love him. Ginny never loved him, she made that clear in the letter she had sent him.

His thought were pulled back to the war, and mostly how many people had died. He had always blamed himself, and he always would blame himself.

Harry took a shaky breath and prepared himself to let go. He glanced behind him to see his cloak, beside it a small box of letters he had written his 'friends' and family. He turned back around to look directly at the stars, and at his favorite constellation.

He gave one last tiny smile, one last moment of hope that someone, anyone would walk up the stairs and see him. That they would beg him not to jump, and that he would listen. He wanted someone to care, someone to hold him, and someone to listen.

He knew who he wanted it to be, but it was impossible.

And so he let go.

Neville POV

I fidgeted with the small letter in my hands, that one I had been staring at for hours. It had only been two days since Harry's death, and the letter had his handwriting on it.

I sighed at the memory of my friend, and carefully dragged my thumb over the writing. I turn it over and tear the fold, sliding the white letter out.


I hope you know how much your friendship means to me. Even if we haven't talked in a while, you were always there for me and that's always been what I needed. 

I'm so sorry that I didn't get to tell you in person how much I'll miss you, because I'll miss you a lot. I'm not sure where I will be, but I'll miss you.

Thank you, for everything you sacrificed and everything you did for me.




I know you hate me. I know you think i'm a disgusting person, but please just read this.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for your friendship, even if it ended on a shitty note. Thank you for your support in the war and thank you for being a friend.

I would be lying if I said that part of what you said to me didn't have something to do with my death, so I won't lie. It really hurt me, knowing you didn't accept me. 

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