You First

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~drunk fluff, it could be from either Draco's or Harry's POV~

I walked through the dirty side streets of London, wondering how I got there. I had a bottle of something in my hand, and despite my mind telling me to stop drinking, I kept going.

I didn't remember walking out of the bar, and time seemed to twist in my mind. It could have been hours sense I left her, or meer minutes.

I should have known she would cheat on me. It was only a matter of time. I had always known I wasn't good enough, and being an over thinker, I had prepared myself for the heartbreak.

My anxiety had grown after the war, often taking over all my other senses and drowning me. I had anger issues, witch I mostly bottled up, making them worse. The depression came after the war along with a big helping of PTSD. 

I had only been released from in patient care a week ago, and had been living by myself. It was lonely, like a lot of other aspects of my life. I didn't mind it much though, it wasn't like anyone would listen if I tried to talk to them.

I turned a corner to find a small pawn shop. I reluctantly stumbled in, after setting down the half finished bottle of alcohol on the bumpy stone and telling it to stay.

The man at the counter ignored me, and my drunken eyes ran all over the room. When I saw a small postcard with a picture of a castle on it, I ran my finger over the smooth paper.

It reminded me of the first time I had seen Hogwarts. I had felt so safe for the first time, and happy to get away from my abusive household.

It had always been my safe place, but I had always seemed to get ripped away from it. After the war, all of my friends had stopped talking to me, leaving me with my clingy girlfriend.

When I had made it obvious she was too much, she distanced herself. No good that did, I had dumped her the moment I found out. She was at the bar with him, and the first thing I heard when I walked up behind her was 'I love you'. 

We hadn't even said it to each other, and she was stringing me along. I knew her mother would have disowned her for breaking up with me, so I was stuck.

Part of me wanted to blame her and part of me couldn't.

I picked up the postcard and stumbled over to the cashier desk. I placed it down, as well as a few dollars.

When I looked up, I saw him. The boy that I had despised for so many years. The rejected handshake started it all, really. It could have been either of our faults, but my ego had always said it was his.

Gray eyes meet green, and we stared at each other for a while.

"Hi." I breathed out.

"Hey." He said back. "Haven't seen you in a while."

I shook my head. "That's on purpose."

He laughed, then a saddened look grew on his face. "I, uh, I'm sorry. We treated each other horribly in school, and I can't help but think it was my fault-"

"No, I think it was both of us, really." I cut him off. "But i'm sorry too. If it's okay with you, we could put the past behind us?"

"Of course." He nodded, handing me the postcard.

"I would ask you to dinner right now, but i'm insanely drunk." I chuckled.

"I could tell, you were talking to the bottle of vodka."

I rolled my eyes and smirked. "You saw that?"

"Yes, yes I did. May I ask why you need to intoxicate yourself with alcohol?"

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