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~Fluff~ 🌷

It's the year after the war and previous 7th years have been invited back for an extra year

Harry POV

I laid on the comfy red cushion of the train car, my eyes glue to the ever so interesting ceiling. My thin fingers tapped on my chest, counting the seconds passing by much to quickly.

The new headmaster, Mcgonagall, had invited me back to Hogwarts for an 8th year. Even through hesitation, I agreed.

Surprisingly, not many people liked the 'Chosen One' after the war. I got many comments from random kids telling me I could have saved their families and how selfish I was.

It took a toll on me, I had quickly developed anxiety and had PTSD. Even with mental issues, people still couldn't let me breathe.

I had tried to break up with Ginny, mostly because she was getting on my nerves, but she hadn't taken it very well and insisted on staying with me. Now, I was just trying to avoid her.

Hermionie and Ron had decided they didn't want to come back, instead they got engaged and moved in together. Hermionie was working to become the next Minister of Magic, and Ron was a 'house dad' in Hermionie's words.

I was about to close my eyes and try to sleep when I heard the door slide open. I jumped up in shock to see none other than Draco Malfoy standing at the door.

His hair was as blond as ever, draping over his silver eyes. His black and white striped shirt laid carelessly on his shoulder, the first few buttons undone, revealing a display of tattoos. He had black ripped jeans on with small silver chains hanging from the belt loops.

"May we sit, Potter?" He asked, his voice surprisingly gentle.

I nodded and watched as he sat right across from me, Blaise sitting next to him and Pansy sitting next to me. They were all quiet, giving each other weird looks.

"Whats with the new style, Malfoy?" I asked, trying to hide my blush.

"It's his inner gay finally showing." Pansy said, laughing at her own joke.

Draco rolled his eyes and leaned back, his chin placed lightly on his fingers. "Why, do you like it?" He smirked his famous smirk.

I didn't try to his my blush anymore. "I guess."

The three Slytherins sparked up a conversation while I hopelessly looked out the window at the trees wizzing by.

I had known I was bi for a while, but I never expected myself to be genuinely attracted to Malfoy. He had sent out quite detailed apology letters to people, myself included. I had thought it was a joke of course, until Hermionie showed me the one he had written to her.

I had never thought anyone from the Malfoy bloodline could feel any sort or remorse, but after reading his letter to Hermionie, I began to have a slight respect for the boy.

"Potter!" Someone snapped me out of my thoughts.

I turned to see that Pansy and Blaise had left, leaving Malfoy and myself alone in the car. I backed up a bit, and he obviously saw that I was uncomfortable.

"Potter... I know I already sent you a letter, but I really am sorry. Mostly for our stupid petty rivalry and how I treated you, but also i'm sorry for not apologizing sooner."

I sat in shock, looking at his apologetic face staring back. "I... Um, thanks." I swollen my nerves and leaned by elbows on my knees. "I'm sorry too."

Malfoy smiled and stuck out his hand. "Friends?"

"Friends." I grabbed his hand, ignoring the spark that flew up my spine when our hands touched.

I looked down to see another display of tattoos, but on his arm. Around the faded dark mark was a sea of flowers, crawling up past his elbow. There were many colors, and I couldn't help but he amazed by the intricate detail.

He must of noticed my staring, and turned his arm so I could see more. "I got them done after the war. Mostly to cover up the mark but also because I really like flowers."

I chucked. "Wow." Honestly, it was adorable that someone as 'tough' as Malfoy liked flowers.

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