"Easy, Yuri, your body needs time to adjust. You've been unconcious for almost two days."
She took a tissue and wiped your lips.

"What happened? Why ... am I ... here?"
There was slight numbing pain coming from your left arm, when you lifted it up, you saw a thick bandage wrapped around the wrist.
"My hand, what happen? Where is ... Yoongi?"

You saw an odd look in Mariko's eyes, and the awkwardness in her gesture told you that something was happening, definitely not in a good way.

The wedding ... you almost forgot, when was the banquet and ceremony was supposed to be held?
The memory of your wedding dress in that hotel room was like the switch that lit up your brain and pulled all the recollection about what happened the night before your wedding.

"The baby ...Mariko, the baby, did they do something?"
Touching your belly, you felt your throat tightened remembering how you fell unconcious and there were moments when you were left with them while fully unaware of your surrounding.

"Yuri, calm down ... the baby is okay. You are okay. That's the most important right now. You need rest, a body of pregnant woman works twice as hard, so you need to take care of yourself."

You tried to reach your phone on the table next to the bed, when you realized, it was painful to lift up your left hand.

"What ... happen to me? Who brought me here? Where is Yoongi?"

She put the glass on the table and sighed, her eyes wandered to the door.

"Do you remember the last thing before you lost consciousness?"
She stared back at you.

How could you forget something like that? Never in a million years you would imagine this could happen to you. You needed to talk to Yoongi as soon as possible, because you were sure, the woman would not stop until she got her revenge on Yoongi or you.

"I was in my room. There was doorbell, the room service or I don't know, ... she wore uniform, ... sent me some herbal soup, said that Yoongi ordered it for me, before I collapsed to the floor. I heard she talked to someone on the phone, ... I think she drugged me."
You furrowed your brows, tried to remember the chronology of events. "Mariko, they ... they did something to me."

Your sister in law stared at you with a pitiful look, that made your feeling even worse.

"Mariko, what happened? How ... how about the wedding? Why is Yoongi not here?"
Mariko certainly wasn't a good actor, if she tried to pretend that you didn't need to worry about anything, then she did a very poor job of it.

"Yoongi found you unconcious on the bathroom floor at your hotel room."
She paused while throwing a glance outside the window, seemed hesitate to continue, but then her eyes were back at you.
"Your left wrist was injured..., and we almost lost you because of the bleeding."

Your wrist, ... injured?
You looked at the bandage, trying to flex the wrist, but stopped when the pain stung and you drop your hand on the bed.

That woman, she must be the one behind all of these. She and the man, whom until now you couldn't remember his identity, although you were sure his voice was somewhat familiar to you.

"Mariko ...., I need ... I need to talk to him, Yoongi, I have to..."
You tried to reach your phone, but again, the attempt was failed because it was like your skin was stretched, you winced and put back your hand on the bed.

"Yuri, ... I don't know how to say this..."
She looked at you with uncertainty, and the more she stalled, the worse your feeling was.
"Yoongi said, you slit your wrist, he's convinced you tried to end your life."

His Pet ♤ Min Yoongi♤ (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon