Chapter 27

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I awoke with a scream, only for my mouth to be covered once again, having another wrapped around my waist, holding me still. I thrashed about, trying to bite the person's fingers. I felt my teeth make contact with one of their fingers and bit down hard, making the person let out a yelp and flinch against me. Pulling away from them I could see clearer now. I whipped around and growled at the person, drinking in their features while backing away. The man looked surprised at my reaction, their eyes wide. I bared my teeth and growled again, before feeling a bump under my feet.

My eyes widened, we were in a car? No, a van, a large van at that, that's why I hadn't hit the wall when I backed away. I jumped and the car shook. My face grew into a grin. I bounced up and down, watching the man who had been holding me listen to the sound of the truck's internal workings slowly get more and more strained until the last fateful jump, the back springs broke, and the van hit the back wheels. He leaped up, growling, before grabbing me and tackling me to the floor. I landed with an "oomph" before throwing my head up into his, knocking him off of me, shoving him away.

We were now going an indeterminable amount of speed on 2 working tires and dragging the back half of the truck. I smiled at the man, knowing he was scared. I reached into my pocket for my taser before cursing and withdrawing my hand. It was gone.

I turned to the man who had righted himself, charging at him full speed, knocking him to the floor. I grabbed his nose and yanked before scurrying to the van's doors. I pulled on them and eventually got them open, turning to see the man staggering to me, his nose at an odd angle gushing blood. I turned to the open doors, seeing the road rushing below, before leaping off. I landed on the floor, in an almost superhero like pose. I launched to my feet and scrambled away off the road, searching for any sort of discernible landmarks.

I wrinkled my nose as the smell of gas reached my nostrils, a gas station coming into view. I walked in, spotting a dingy looking man smoking a cigarette behind the counter. I leaned on the glass, "Can I borrow your phone please sir?" he took in the bruises and cuts bleeding on my face, his face like stone. "What happened to you?" he responded gruffly, not responding to my question. I glowered, huffing. "Not important, I need to make a call. Now." I added a sickening smile at the end. He muttered something about there being no respect for the lower class these days while pointing to the other side of the store where a white phone was located, and it was then I realized, I had no one to call. I considered calling Lind-z but decided against it. I couldn't trust her. I had no choice, I picked up the phone, dialing my brother's number.

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