Chapter 4

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That night I had a lot to think through as I messaged back and forth with Frank, setting up a date next Saturday at 8 for dinner and a movie. I smiled, thinking about the sweet man from earlier. Now I just had to wait.

~le time skip to school on the friday before the date~

I walked down the halls, ignoring the calls of faggot screamed at me. I got shoved against the lockers, the force causing my skirt to fly up revealing my lace panties. I fixed my skirt before continuing to walk, my thigh high boots clacking against the linoleum tiles. I reached my locker and pulled out my history text books before stuffing them into my leather messenger bag and strutting calmly down the halls to my next class.

I walked in and sat at the back, staring at the board. I saw the teacher eyeing my legs and I subtly flipped him off under the table. I knew he saw it the minute his eyes widened and he stared at my face. I raised an eyebrow and pursed my lips. He flinched away from my burning gaze before beginning his lesson. I zoned out until I heard the bell. "Gerard, please stay back for a second, I need to speak to you." I rolled my eyes but stayed back, walking up to my teachers desk.

"Yes? What is so important?" I questioned him. He cleared his throat. "You're 18 now, that means you're a legal adult like me, you're single. Me and my wife are getting divorced, we could maybe try to work something out between us." he inched his hand up my thigh. I scoffed and moved his hand off my thigh.

"That's illegal and gross, I'm not a fucktoy and I know your wife isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Fuck off cause im not interested, and if you dont leave me alone, i will report this behavior to the principal and the police, now im going to leave and you're going to let me."with that, i picked up my bag and marched out of the room. I snarled at anyone who even looked at me.

When Bert showed up at my locker wearing his signature smirk, I opened my locker, slamming it into his face and hearing it satisfyingly bang against him. He let out a yelp and opened his mouth to yell at me. I turned to face him, "Listen, I'm not in the mood for your hopeless flirting and cry for attention, so fuck off. Mr. Woods just sexually assaulted me and now I have to report him to the authorities. Leave me alone and return to your usual pattern monday, cause then they'll leave bruises to last all week. Now goodbye hun, have a good weekend." and having said that, i marched out the front doors of the school with my head held high.

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